


  • 분야

    음성과학, 실험음성학, 음성장애

  • 성명

    국문 고도흥

  • 직위


  • 연구실

  • 연락처

  • 이메일


1983. 8-1988. 6 Univ. of Kansas, PhD. (General Linguistics & Speech Sciences)


1980. 9-1983. 8 Univ. of Georgia, M.A. (General Linguistics)


2018. 09-현재 한림대학교 자연과학대학 언어청각학부 명예교수

2015. 01-현재 Editor-in Chief, Clinical Archives of Communication Disorders

2001. 03-2018. 08 한림대학교 자연과학대학 언어청각학부 교수

2010. 02-2012. 02 한림대학교 치료과학대학원장

2009. 03-2017. 06 사단법인 밀알재활원 운영위원

2009. 09-2018, 08 Univ. of Ohio, Adjunct Professor

2009. 11-2014. 12 사단법인 한국언어재활사협회 이사장

2007, 09-2012. 01 한림대학교 보건과학대학원장

2007. 11-2009. 10 전국언어치료학과협의회 회장

2006. 09-2007. 08 Univ. of Tennessee 방문교수

2003. 11-2005. 10 사단법인 한국언어청각임상학회 회장

2003. 11-2004. 10 사단법인 한국음성과학회 회장

2003. 08-2004. 07 한림대학교 외국어교육원장

2001. 08-2003. 07 Univ. of Toronto, 동아시아학과, 한국학술진흥재단 파견교수

2000. 03-2001. 02 한림대학교 기숙사총사감

1989. 03-2001. 02 한림대학교 인문대학 국어국문학과, 조교수, 부교수, 교수


연구 및 저서

■ 논문

□ 주저자 : 제1저자, 공동저자(교신), 단독 

◦ Development and Comparative Evaluation of Shapes of Pillows[J. Phys. Ther. Sci, SCI급, 공동(교신), 2014] 
◦ 식도발성 환자의 음향학적 특성과 음성장애지수의 상관성[말소리와 음성과학, KCI등재, 공동(제1), 2014] 
◦ 식도발성화자 음성의 spectral & cepstral 분석[말소리와 음성과학, KCI등재, 단독, 2014] 
◦ Acoustic characteristics of Motherese[말소리와 음성화학, KCI등재, 단독, 2014] 


■ 저서

◦ 언어기관의 해부와 생리(개정3판), 학지사(2019)

◦ 언어기관해부와 생리 워크북, 학지사(2019)

◦ 의사소통장애 용어집, 학지사(2018)

◦ 음성언어의 측정, 분석 및 평가(공저), 학지사(2015)

◦ 언어의 뇌과학(공역), 한국문화사(2012)

◦ 태내기억(공역), 한국문화사(2008)

◦ 유아교육과 뇌(공역), 한국문화사(2008)

◦ 음성과학(공역), 한국문화사(2004)

◦ 음성 및 언어분석기기 활용법(공저), 한국문화사(2001)

◦ 음성언어의 이해(공역), 한신문화사(1999)

◦ 음성학과 음운론(공역), 한신출판사(1998)

◦ 북한의 음성학연구, 한국문화사(1998)

◦ Declarative Intonation in Korean(Acoustical Aspects of F0 Declination), Hanshin Publishing Co.(1989)


■ 학회활동

1. 한국음성학회

2. 한국언어치료학회

3. 한국언어청각임상학회

4. American Speech-Language Hearing Association

5. Acoutical Society of America

  • 분야

    청각평가, 아동청각

  • 성명

    국문 김진숙

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8602

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


1990 ~ 1995 University of Virginia, Ph.D., Audiology
1987 ~ 1990 University of Georgia, Master, Audiology 



2017 ~ 현재 언어청각학부 학부장
2013 ~ 현재 Brain Korea 21 PLUS 팀장 , R&D Center for Auditory-Speech Rehabilitation Program.
2011 ~ 2017 Vice president of Korean Audiological Society
2010 ~ 2012 President of Korean Academy of Audiology, Korea
2004 ~ 2005 Visiting Professor, Div of Audiology, University of Virginia Medical Center, USA
2001 ~ 현재 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Div. of Speech Pathology and Audiology, College of Natural Sciences, Hallym University, Korea
1997 ~ 2001 Assistant Professor, Hallym Medical School, Korea
1995 ~ 1997 Clinic Fellow, Asan Medical Center, Korea


연구 및 저서

■ 논문

주저자 : 제1저자, 공동저자(교신), 단독

- 국내 영아의 발성 및 조음발달 목록 개발[청능재활, KCI등재, 제1(교신), 2017]

- 청각장애 장노년기의 삶의 질 척도를 위한 문항개발[청능재활, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2017]
- 영유아 청각 및 의사소통 행동 체크리스트의 신뢰도와 타당도 검증 개발 연구[청능재활, KCI등재, 제1(교신), 2017]
- The development and standardization of Self-assessment for Hearing Screening of the Elderly[Clinical Interventions in Aging, SCI, 공동, 2016]
- The band-importance function for the Korean standard sentence lists for adults. [Journal of Audiology and Otoogy, SCOPUS, 공동, 2016]
- 영아의 조기 청능재활 프로그램 개발[청능재활, KCI등재, 제1(교신), 2016]
- Mass and stiffness impact on the middle ear and the cochlear partition[Korean Journal of Audiology, SCOPUS, 제1(교신), 2015]
- 해외 이명 협회 및 이명 연구 기관 현황[청능재활, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2015]
- 변조이음향방사 억제 측정에 미치는 대측 자극 소음 강도의 영향[청능재활, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2015]
- Test-retest reliability of word recognition score using Korean standard monosyllabic word lists for adults as a function of the number test words[Journal of Audiology and otology, SCOPUS, 공동(제1), 2015]

■ 저서
- 청각학 개론[ISBN:9788999712364, 공동, 2017]
- 의사소통 장애의 이해[ISBN:9788999713057, 공동, 2017]
- 청각검사지침[ISBN:97889997112579, 공동, 2017]
- 말지각검사의 실제[ISBN:9788999706677공동, 2015]


■ 특허
- 노인성 난청을 위한 청능 재활 시스템 및 방법 2015.03.20. 10-2015-0038922
- 영유아의 발성 발달 검사 장치, 및 영유아의 청능 재활 시스템과 방법 2015.07.20. 10-2015-0102447

  • 분야

    언어 및 문해발달, 아동언어장애 및 난독

  • 성명

    국문 배소영

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8605

  • 연락처

    033-248-2214, Fax: +82-33-256-3420

  • 이메일


1989 - 1993 Ph.D. Univdersity of Kansas, USA(Child Language)

1985 - 1987 M.S. 이화여자대학교(특수교육학)

1981 - 1985 B.S. 이화여자대학교(영어영문학)


2021.1.- 언어병리학전공주임

2019.1.- 2020.12. 청각언어연구소장

2018.7.- 2020.6. 대학원 재활치료학협동과정 전공주임

2016.2.-2018.1. 보건과학대학원장

연구 및 저서

■ 논문

1.  Text comprehension of Korean developmental dyslexic children considering mode and type of texts. Communication Sciences & Disorders. (교신, 2021)
2.  Word decoding abilities of 1st graders with developmental dyslexia considering reading severity and word/syllable structure. Communication Sciences & Disorders. (교신, 2021)
3.  Predicting word reading and word writing of kindergarterners with phonology, orthography, morpho-semantics. Communication Sciences & Disorders. (교신, 2020) 
4. The development of spelling for children with/without spelling difficulties. Communication Sciences & Disorders. (교신, 2020) 
5. Developmental characteristics of word decoding and text reading fluency among Korean children with developmental dyslexia. Communication Sciences & Disorders. (제1, 교신, 2017)


□ 공동저자 : 공동저자(참여)

◦ 다문화가족 자녀 언어촉진교육 효과에 대한 질적 연구[언어치료연구, KCI등재, 공동(참여), 2015]


□ 저서

◦ 한국어 해독해 1-5권 (학지사, 2017)

◦ 한글파닉스와 이야기가 만나다 1-4권 (두루바른, 2018)

◦ 두비두바 언어발달이야기 1-10권 (두루바른, 2019)


학회 및 협회 활동

1. 한국언어청각임상학회
2. 한국음성학회
3. 한국난독증협회

  • 분야

    청각생리, 신호처리

  • 성명

    국문 임덕환

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8601

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


코넬대학교(박사-청각생리, 신호처리, 청각재활)




◦ 현재 Faculty, Division of Speech Pathology & Audiology, Hallym University, South Korea


◦ Faculty, Department of Otolaryngology, Seoul National University, South Korea


◦ Research Faculty, CALTECH, USA

연구 및 저서

복합 숫자 확장 자극의 길이, 언어, 성별 변수가 정상인의 청각 작업기억에 미치는 영향 [청능재활]

  • 분야

    중추청각처리장애, 청능재활

  • 성명

    국문 장현숙

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8603-1

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (Ph.D., Audiology)          University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (M.S., Audiology)                          



2004-present: Professor, Div. of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Hallym University

2021-present: Chairman, Div. of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Hallym University

2019-2020: Director, Audiology, Div. of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Hallym University

2010-2011: Visiting Professor, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

2002-2004: Clinical Fellow, Keys Speech Hearing Center, University of Oklahoma

1996-2002: Research Fellow, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

연구 및 저서

Lee, H., Lee, J., Oh., E., & Jang, H. (2020). A survey study on the online class challenges faced by the students with hearing impairment during the covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Special Education, 35(3). 329-350. 

Park, S., Chang, J., Im, G., Ahn, J., Lee, J., Han, K., Chung, J., Kim, J., Jang, H., & Lee, S. (2020). Status of early hearing detection and intervention in South Korea: A nationwide population based study of national infant healthcheckup. Scientific Reports, 10, 16838. 

Im, G. J., Han, K. D., Park, K. H., Cho, C. H., Jang, H., Lee, J. H., & Lee, S. H. (2020). Rate of chronic otitis media operations and cholesteatoma surgeries in South Korea: a nationwide population based study (2006–2018). Scientific Reports, 10, 11356, 1-9.

Ahn, J. H., Oh. S., Jang, H., Lee, J., & Chung, J. (2020). Impact of hearing loss on the performance of auditory processing measured by questionnaires in Korean adolescents. Scientific Reports, 10, 10118. 

Alsabbagh, N., Alaqrabawi, W., Alsabbagh, F., Kim, Y., & Jang, H. (2020). Development of the Jordanian Arabic early speech perception test. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 136, 110130. 

Shim, S., Lee, H., Lee, K., Lee, Y., Park, J., & Jang, H. (2020). Sentence and connected speech perception abilities of students with cochlear implant in inclusive classroom). Sentence and connected speech perception abilities of students with cochlear implant in inclusive classroom. Audiology and Speech Research, 16(1). 198-204.

Jang, H., Choi, J., Lee, K., Lee, Y., & Shim, S. (2019). A study on textbook reconstuction in schools for the hearing impaired. Journal of Special Education for Curriculum and Instruction, 12(4) 377-394.

Jang, H., Choi, J., Lee, K., Lee, Y., Kim, M., & Cho, Y. (2019). Analysis on teachers’ usage and demands of the common curriculum textbooks in schools for the hearing impaired. The Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice, 20(4), 

Kwak, J., Choi, J., & Jang, H. (2019). Sentence recognition performance in visual-only and auditory-visual conditions by normal and hearing-impaired adults. Communication Sciences & Disorders. 22(3), 615-628.

Yoon, K., Alsabbagh, N., & Jang, H. (2019). Temporal processing abilities of adults with tune deafness. Audiology and Speech Research. 15(3). 198-204.

Espinoza-Varas, B., Jajoria, P., & Jang, H. (2018). Aging-related attention deficits in frequency discrimination amid task irrelevant stimulus differences. Acoustic Science and Technology, 40(3), 1-4. 

Im, G. J., Ahn, J. H., Lee, J. H., Han, K. D., Lee, S. H., Kim, J., Jang, H., & Chung, J. W. (2018). Prevalence of severe-profound hearing loss in South Korea: a nationwide population-based study to analyze a 10-year trend (2006–2015). Scientific Reports, 8(9940), 1-9.

Choi. J. Yoon, K., Ryu, H., & Jang, H. (2017). Analysis of Korean viseme system in Korean Standard Monosyllabic Word Lists. Audiology and Speech Research. Communication Sciences & Disorders. 22(3), 615-628.

Choi. J. Yoon, K., Ryu, H., & Jang, H. (2017). Validity and Reliability of Korean Version of the Auditory Behavior in Everyday Life (ABEL) Questionnaire. Audiology and Speech Research. 3(1), 19-27.

Choi. J., Kwak, J., & Jang, H. (2017). Validity and Reliability of Korean Version of the Auditory Behavior in Everyday Life (ABEL) Questionnaire. Audiology and Speech Research. 3(1), 19-27.

Choi. J. Seo, Y., & Jang, H. (2016). Translation and Adaptation of the Children’s Home Inventory for Listening Difficulties (CHILD) into Korean. Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 20(4), 247-264.

Park, H., Han, S., Choi, J., Sim, S., Seo, Y., & Jang, H. (2016). The relationship between vocabulary knowledge and speech perception in school-age children using cochlear implants. Communication Sciences & Disorders. 21(3), 488-501. 

Jang, H, Yoon, K., & Ryu, H. (2016). Auditory behavior characteristics of the students with cochlear implants in mainstream settings. The Journal of Inclusive Education. 11(2). 167-186.

Choi, J., Yoo, J., Joe, J., Han, S., Kwak, J., & Jang, H. (2015). A systematic analysis on questionnaires for children with hearing loss. Audiology and Speech Research, 11(4), 331-347.

Jang, H., Joe, J., & Kim, Y. (2015). Auditory processing abilities in children. Audiology, 11(3), 223-232.

Jeong, Y. & Jang, H. (2015). Performance of dichotic digit test by inter-digit intervals and response modes. Audiology, 11(3), 203-213.

Jang, H., Jeon, A., Yoo, H., & Kim, Y. (2014). Development and standardization of Korean Dichotic Digit Test. The Journal of Special Education : Theory and Practice, 15(4), 489-506.

Jang, H., Lee, J., & Hwang, H. (2014). Communication Difficulties as a Function of Hearing Sensitivity & Speech Recognition in Elderly with Hearing Loss. Journal of Rehabilitation Research. 18(1), 331-352. 

Yoon, M. & Jang, H. (2014). Comparison of Fisher's Auditory Problems Checklist (FAPC) and Scale of Auditory Behaviors (SAB) in Screening Central Auditory Processing Disorders. Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 18(4), 257-277. 

Jang, H. (2013). 韓国における聴覚情報処理障害への対応. Journal of Japan Educational Audiology, 7, 1-15.

Son, H. & Jang, H. (2013). Auditory and visual Stroop effects for word meaning and laterality. The Journal of Special Education : Theory and Practice, 14(4), 189~209.

Jang, H., Jeon, S., & Kim, Y. (2013). Effects of noise type and signal-to-noise ratio on word recognition performance of adults and children with normal hearing sensitivity. Audiology, 9(2), 137-147.

Park, H. & Jang, H. (2012). Recognition of time-compressed words in adults and children. Audiology Audiology, 9(2), 34-40.

Jang, H., Lee, H., & Kim, Y. (2012). A study on the development of KNISE-Auditory Behavioral Checklist. Chungnam: Korean National Institute for the Special Education. 1-145.

Kim. Y. & Jang, H. (2011). Development of Korean staggered spondaic word test. Audiology. 6(2), 179-189. 

Hwang, S., Jang, H., Lee, J., & Kim, Y. (2011).  Recognition of low-or high-pass filtered Korean monosyllables and sentences. Audiology. 7(1), 74-84.

Espinoza-varas, B., & Jang, H. (2011). Selective attention to pitch amid conflicting auditory information: Context-coding and filtering strategies. Psychological Research. 75(3), 159-178. 

Won, K., & Jang. H. (2010). A study of Children’s Auditory Processing Performance Scale for Screening of Central Auditory Processing Disorders. Audiology. 6(2), 137-145.

Jang, H. (2010). Audiologic evaluation of central auditory processing disorders. Audiology. 6(1), 1-9.

Jeon, A., & Jang, H. (2009). Effects of stimulus complexity, attention mode & age on dichotic digit tests. The Journal of Special Education : Theory and Practice, 10(4), 377-395.

Lee, K., & Jang, H. (2009). Hearing aid fitting for people with reverse-sloping sensorineural hearing loss : Two case reports. Audiology, 5(1), 80-85.

Joo, Y., & Jang, H. (2009). Effects of frequency range and degree of hearing loss on word recognition in elderly listeners. Audiology, 5(1), 36-41.

Jang, H, Lee, J., Lim, D., Lee, K., Jeon, A., & Jun, E. (2008). Development of Korean Standard Sentence Lists for sentence recognition tests. Audiology, 4, 161-177.

Jang, H, Lee, J., Lim, D., Jeon, A., & Hyun, J. (2008). Development of Korean Standard Sentence Lists for Preschoolers used in sentence recognition test, Audiology, 4, 178-187.

Jang, H., Lee, J., & Yoo, S. (2008).  Effects on frequency pattern recognition.  Audiology.4(1), 11-15.

Jang, H., Lee, J., Yoo, S., Jung, E., & Park, H. (2007). Word recognition for low-and high-pass filtered Korean CVC monosyllables in cochlear implant users. Audiology. 3(1), 58-63.

Lee, J., Jang, H., Chun, Y., Lee, S., & Park, H. (2007). HiRes with fidelity 120TM benefit in native speakers of Korean. Audiology. 3(1), 51-57. 
Jang, H., Cho, S., Lim, D., & Cho, S. (2007).The role of audiologists in educational settings-Audiologic services. Audiology. 3(1), 1-8.

Espinoza-Varas, B., & Jang, H. (2006). Backward-masked frequency discrimination by young and older adults: Effects of masker level variability.  Acta Acustica  United with  Acustica , 92(3),  457-467. 

Espinoza-Varas, B., & Jang, H. (2006). Aging impairs the ability to ignore irrelevant information in frequency discrimination tasks. Experimental Aging Research , 32(2), 209-226. 

Kim, M., & Jang, H. (2006). Speech perception by mobile telephone of children with cochlear implants. Korean Journal of Special Education. 40(4). 1-10.

Park, J. Jang, H., Kim, T., Park, T., & Lee, Y. (2007). The effects of frequency and intensity on Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials. Korean Journal of Audiology, 10(1), 46-53.

Lee, M., Jang, H., Moon, K., & Seo, Y. (2006). The latency of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in patients with meniere’s disease. Audiology. 2(2), 141-146.

Lee, M., Song, W., Jang, H., Moon, K., & Chang, H. (2006). The latency of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in patients with middle ear effusion. Audiology. 2(2), 155-159.

Espinoza-Varas, B., & Jang, H. (2005). Effects of irrelevant level fluctuation on frequency discrimination by young and older adults.  Acoustical Science and Technology, 26(4), 394-398.

Lee, J., Jang, H., & Cheong, H. (2005). A study on frequency characteristics of Korean phonemes. Audiology. 1(1), 55-66.



■ 저서 및 역서 

말지각검사의 실제(Speech Perception Test in Practice)1판, 2판(학지사, 2015, 2021)
청능재활의 기초(Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation, 3rd Ed.) 역서(박학사, 2018)
청각학개론(Introduction to Audiology) 1판, 2판(학지사, 2014, 2017)
청각장애특수학교 유치원 및 초등학교 저학년 의사소통 교육 개선 방안(국립특수교육원, 2014)



■ 청각검사도구 개발
청각행동특성 검사도구(Auditory Behavioral Checklist, KNISE-ABC) (국립특수교육원. 2012)
국립특수교육원 말지각발달 검사(Developmental Assessment of Speech Perception, KNISE-DASP) (교육과학사, 2010)
한국표준어음검사(Korean Standard Speech Audiometry) (학지사, 2008)



■ 학회 활동

2021-present:  Advisor, Korean Academy of Audiology  

2020-present:  Advisor, Korea Educational Association of Hard of Hearing

2019-present:  Advisor, Korean Society of Audiologist 

2017-2020:     Vice President, The Korean Audiological Society 

2014-2015:     President, Korean Academy of Audiology

2014-present:  Member, International Society of Audiology

2000-present:  Member, American Academy of Audiology

1996-present:  Member (CCC-A), American Speech and Hearing Association



■ 기타 활동

2014-present: 자문위원, 강원청각장애특수교육지원센터

2017-present: 자문위원, 서울농학교 국립청각장애교육지원센터

2015-2017:    파견위원, KOICA 요르단 청각장애특수학교 건립사업 

2013-2014:    집필위원, 국가직무능력표준(NCS) 청각관리



■ 수상

2021: 우수포스터발표상, The 24th of Korean Academy of Audiology Conference

2019: 우수포스터발표상, The 22rd of Korean Academy of Audiology Conference

2018: 우수포스터발표상, The 21st of Korean Academy of Audiology Conference

2018: 자유연제우수상, The 65th of The Korean Audiological Society Conference



■ 연구비 수주

2021-2022: 청각장애 학생의 FM 시스템 활용 실태 조사(산학협력)

2019-2021: 청능재활 상담 자료 개발 연구(산학협력)

2018:          청각장애 특수교육 교과용 도서의 활용 및 요구도 조사안(산학협력)

2014-2017: 요르단 청각장애 특수학교 건립 PMC 사업(한국국제협력단)   

2014:          청각장애특수학교 유치원 및 초등학교 의사소통 방안 개선 연구(교육과학기술부) 

2013-2014: 난청진단이 가능한 맞춤형 화상보청단말기 개발(중소기업청)

2011-2013: 중추청각처리장애 진단을 위한 편이저잉여성 검사 개발(한국연구재단)

2011-2012: 청각행동특성 검사도구 개발 연구(교육과학기술부,2011-2012) 

2009-2010: 중추청각처리장애 진단 검사 도구 개발 및 표준화 연구(한국연구재단) 

2009-2010: 청능훈련을 위한 말지각검사도구 개발 및 표준화(교육과학기술부) 

2006-2008: 한국표준 어음청각검사의 표준화 연구(지식경제부). 

  • 분야

    아동언어장애, 아동기중복언어장애

  • 성명

    국문 이윤경

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8604

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


이화여자대학교 교육심리학과(현 심리학과, 학사)

이화여자대학교 대학원 특수교육학과(석사)

이화여자대학교 대학원 언어병리학협동과정(박사)


◦한림대학교 언어청각학부 언어병리학전공 & 보건과학대학원 언어병리학과 교수
◦한림대학교 연구윤리센터장, 생명윤리위원회 위원장
◦현 한국자폐학회 부회장
◦현 Communication Sciences & Disorders 상임편집위원, 국립특수교육원, 이화여자대학교 특수교육연구소 학술지 편집위원 등
◦전 한국언어청각임상학회 회장, Communication Sciences & Disorders 편집위원장, 한국언어치료전문가협회 자격증 심의위원장

연구 및 저서

■ 논문 (최근 5년 이내)

◦2-3세 아동의 자발화에서의 조사사용 발달. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2021)
◦말 늦은 영유아(Late Talker)와 전형적 발달 영유아의 공동주의 행동 비교. 유아특수교육(2021)
◦age group classification to identify the progress of language development based on convolutional neural networks. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems(2021)
◦The Reliability and Validity of the Korean Edition of the CSBS DP Caregiver Questionnaire. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2021)
◦언어치료사의 언어표본(자발화) 분석에 대한 인식 및 활용 실태. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2020)
◦언어재활사의 언어표본분석 경험 및 요구에 관한 질적 연구: 아동언어장애를 중심으로. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2020)
◦언어재활사의 언어표본분석 경험 및 요구에 관한 질적 연구: 신경언어장애를 중심으로. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2020)
◦고기능 자폐스펙트럼장애 초등학생의 정신상태용어 사용 특성. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2020)
◦고기능 자폐스펙트럼장애 아동의 대화에서의 준언어적 특성: 전문가 지각적 평가와 음향학적 분석 결과 비교. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2019)

◦한국판 CSBS DP를 통한 말늦은 영유아의 초기 사회적 의사소통 프로파일. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2019)
◦학령기 고기능 자폐스펙트럼장애 아동을 판별하는 언어적, 비언어적 대화 요인: 지각적 평가를 중심으로Communication Sciences and Disorders (2019)
◦A web service for evaluating the level of speech in Korean. Applied Sciences(2019)
◦영유아기 미디어 기기에 대한 노출이 이후 언어발달에 미치는 영향: 코호트 스터디. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2018)
◦상호작용 맥락이 영아 초기 의도적 의사소통행동에 미치는 영향: 책읽기와 놀이를 중심으로. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2018)
◦한국판 표준화를 위한 CSBS DP 행동샘플평가 신뢰도 및 타당도 연구. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2018)
◦언어이전 시기의 의사소통적 몸짓 사용이 24개월 언어발달에 미치는 영향에 관한 종단연구. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2018)
◦전두측두치매환자의 대화 특성: 알츠하이머성 치매와의 비교. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2018)
◦후기 아동기에서 청소년기까지의 대화발달. Communication Sciences and Disorders(2018)
◦Lifespan development of word use from early childhood to old age. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2017)
◦Characteristics of word reading according to word condition in normal adults. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2017)
◦Characteristics of temperament of preterm toddlers and their relation to early language and communication development. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2017)
◦Development of topic management skills in conversation of school-aged children. Communication Sciences and Disorders(2017)
◦12-30개월 영유아의 의도적 의사소통 행동 발달. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2016)
◦고기능 자폐스펙트럼장애 아동의 운율 특성에 대한 청지각적 및 음향학적 평가 간의 관계. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2016)
◦미숙아 집단의 언어발달지체를 판별하는 언어이전 의사소통 행동 요인. Communication Sciences and Disorders (2016)
◦문장유형에 따른 고기능 자폐스펙트럼장애 아동의 운율 특성. 말소리와 음성과학. (2016)
◦경도지적장애아동의 대화특성. 특수교육연구(2016)
◦학교 언어재활사의 실태와 직업만족도 연구. 언어치료연구(2016)
◦Prevalence of developmental language delay among toddlers born as preterm(미숙아 출생 영유아의 언어발달지체 출현율). Communication Sciences and Disorders (2016)
◦자폐범주성장애 위험 영유아의 비언어적 모방과 언어발달과의 관계. 자폐성장애연구(2015)
◦초기 언어습득기 자폐범주성장애 영유아의 의사소통행동. 유아특수교육연구(2015)
◦Expressive prosody in autism spectrum disorders: meta-analysis(메타분석을 통한 자폐범주성장애의 운율표현 특성). Communication Sciences and Disorders(2015)
◦책 읽기와 놀이 조건이 말 늦은 영유아와 어머니의 의사소통 행동에 미치는 영향. 언어치료연구(2015) 
◦Contingency and informativeness of topic maintenance in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders(학령기 고기능 자폐스펙트럼장애 아동의 주제유지능력: 수반성과 정보성을 중심으로). Communication Sciences and Disorders(2015)
◦Communicative gestures in toddlers with developmental language delay and their relations to language development(언어발달지체 영유아의 의사소통적 제스처와 언어발달간의 관계). Communication Sciences and Disorders(2015)
◦Language characteristics of school-aged Korean multicultural children. International Information Institute(2015)
◦학령기 고기능 자폐범주성장애 아동의 언어특성: 학령기아동언어검사(LSSC) 결과를 중심으로. 특수교육(2015)
◦Standardization of the language scale for school-aged children (LSSC)(학령기언어검사(LSSC) 표준화). Communication Sciences and Disorders(2015)



■ 연구과제

◦자폐성장애 검사도구 개발 연구(공동, 국립특수교육원, 2021-2022)

◦언어발달, 언어치료교육, 언어공학 분야의 융합적 접근을 통한 한국형 컴퓨터 구어분석 시스템 및 전생애 언어발달모형 구축(책임, 교육부 한국연구재단 인문사회 공동연구, 2019-2022)
◦자동 언어 장애 진단을 위한 언어 자원 구축 및 딥러닝/자연언어처리 모델 개발(공동, 교육부 한국연구재단 이공계열 중견연구, 2019-2022)
◦영유아 언어발달 부모교육 프로그램 개발(단독, 고용노동부, 2018-2019)
◦영유아 스마트기기 위험요인에 관한 전향적 연구(공동, 보건복지부 정신건강기술개발사업, 2014 – 2018)
◦발달지연문제를 보이는 영유아 감별진단과 공존병리 평가를 위한 포괄적 평가도구 개발 (공동, 보건복지부 정신건강기술개발사업 공동연구, 2015 – 2017)
◦종단연구를 통한 미숙아 출생 영유아의 언어 및 의사소통 발달 경향과 관련 요인 연구(단독, 교육부 한국연구재단 중견연구지원, 2014 – 2017)
◦장애아동재활치료사업에 있어서의 부모의 영향 및 역할에 관한 연구(공동, 보건복지부 정책지원사업, 2010 – 2011)
◦0-3세 언어발달장애 및 장애위험 영아의 발달 및 사회환경적 요인 분석 및 언어중재모형 개발(단독, 교육부 한국연구재단 우수연구자지원, 2008 – 2011)
◦ADHD 아동의 이야기 산출 특성: 집행기능과의 관계를 중심으로(단독, 교육부 학술진흥재단 신진연구자지원, 2007 – 2008)
◦학령기 아동의 언어평가도구 개발 연구(단독, 교육부 학술진흥재단 신진연구자지원, 2006 – 2007)
◦한국 의사소통장애 개념 정립을 통한 진단모델 연구(공동, 교육부 학술진흥재단 중점연구소지원, 2004 – 2006)
◦단순언어장애 아동과 일반아동의 이름대기 특성 비교(단독, 파라다이스복지재단, 2001 – 2002)


■ 저서 및 역서

◦EPIC! 부모역량강화 프로그램: 부모가 도와주는 우리 아이 언어발달(두루바른, 2020)

◦영유아 의사소통장애(학지사, 2019)
◦의사소통장애의 진단과 평가 1판, 2판(공저)(학지사, 2019, 2012)
◦언어치료 임상실습: 이론과 실제(학지사, 2010)
◦언어장애: 기능적 평가 및 중재 5판, 6판(시그마프레스, 2012, 2016)
◦언어와 읽기장애 1판, 2판(시그마프레스, 2008, 2014)
◦의사소통장애의 이해 3판(학지사, 2011)


■ 언어 의사소통 검사도구 개발

◦한국판 의사소통 및 상징행동 척도(K CSBS, Korean Communication and Symbolic Scale, in press, 인싸이트)
◦학령기 아동언어 검사(LSSC, Language Scale for School-aged Children)(2015, 인싸이트)
◦취학전 아동의 수용언어 및 표현언어검사(PRES, Preschool Receptive and Expressive Language Scale)(2003, 서울장애종합복지관)




1. 한국언어청각임상학회 상임이사, 학술지 Communication Sciences and Disorders 편 집위원장

2. 한국자폐학회 편집위원

3. 보안대체의사소통학회 상임이사, 편집위원

4. 한국유아특수교육학회 정회원


  • 분야

    말 발달 및 말소리장애, 구개열로 인한 의사소통 장애

  • 성명

    국문 하승희

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8606

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


2002 ~ 2006 미국 일리노이 주립대학교 언어병리학, 박사

1999 ~ 2001 한국 이화여자대학교 언어병리학, 석사


2021 ~ 현재 보건과학대학원 언어병리학과장 
2019 ~ 2020 언어청각학부 학부장 
2018 ~ 2020 언어청각학부 언어병리학 전공주임 
2012 ~ 2016 보건대학원 언어병리학과장
2011 ~ 2013 청각언어연구소장
2011 ~ 2013 한림언어청각센터사장
2009 ~ 현재 한림대학교 언어청각학부 조교수, 부교수, 교수
2006 ~ 2009 미국 테네시 주립대학교 언어청각학부 조교수

연구 및 저서

■ 논문
- Longitudinal study of vocal development and language environments in infants with cleft palate [Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, SCI, 제1저자, 2021]
- Canonical vocalization and phonological development in children with and without repaired cleft palate [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2021]
- Phonology processing and reading ability in elementary school-aged children with cleft palate [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2021]
- Articulatory accuracy and variability by word familiartiy and phoneme difficulty in children with and without speech sound disorders [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2021]
- Infant vocalizations and early home langauge environment [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2021]
- Early emergence and development of protophones in the first year of life [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2021] 
- Parental responses to infants’ prelinguistic vocalization [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2021]
- Characteristics of Diadochokinesis in Typically Developing Children and Adults [Audiology and Speech Research, Scopus, 교신저자, 2021]
- Cross-linguistic comparison of utterance shapes in Korean- and English-learning children: An ambient language effect [Infant Behavior and Development, SSCI, 제1저자, 2021]
- Nonword Repetition in Terms of Subtypes of Children with Speech Sound Disorders [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 제1저자, 2020]
- 양측성 구순구개열 환자의 전생애주기에 따른 연구동향: 체계적 분석 [대한구순구개열학회지, 학진후보등재, 교신저자, 2020]
- Clinical interventions and speech outcomes for individuals with submucous cleft palate [Archives of Plastic surgery, Scopus, 교신저자, 2020]
- Phonological processing ability of children with speech sound disorders in early elementary school years [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2020]
- The effect of test words on phonological error patterns in typically developing children [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2020]
- Variability and inconsistency in children with and without speech sound disorders [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 제1저자, 2019]
- 아동의 학년과 부모의 소득 수준에 따른 어휘, 조음, 음운인식 및 인지 능력의 차이 [언어치료연구, 학진등재, 교신저자, 2020]
- Classification of subgroups of children with speech sound disorders: A preliminary study [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2020]
- Canonical babbling development in Korean-acquiring infants [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2020]
- Developmental Patterns of Nonword Repetition in Preschool Children [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 제1저자, 2020]
- Articulatory consistency for differential diagnosis of speech sound disorders  [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 제1저자, 2019]
- Relationship between phonological awareness and related factors in Korean first to third graders [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2019]
- Onset of canonical babbling in children with and without cleft palate [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 제1저자, 2019]
- Protophone development at 4-6 months and 7-9 months of age [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 교신저자, 2019]
- Percentage of Consonants Correct and age of acquisition of consonants in Korean-speaking children in one-syllable word contexts [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 제1저자, 2019]
- Canonical babbling in Korean-acquiring infants at 4-9 months of age [Communication Sciences and Disorders, Scopus, 제1저자, 2019]


■ 검사도구 및 저서 (번역서)  
한국 조음음운 프로파일. 휴브알엔씨   
말소리장애 아동의 감별진단과 치료. 시그마 프레스 
노화와 의사소통. (공역) 학지사


■ 수상내역 
2020년 교육부 학술연구지원사업 우수성과 50선


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- 한국언어청각임상학회 이사
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2007 - 2011 일리노이대학(박사-청각학)


2001 - 2003 한림대학교 특수대학원(이학석사-청각학)


1996 - 2000 가톨릭대학교 (문학사-불어불문학)


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◦ 2020~현재 한국연구재단 ICT 융합연구단 전문위원

◦ 2015~현재 Journal of Rehabilitation Research 편집위원

◦ 2013~현재 Journal of Audiology and Otology 부편집위원장

◦ 2012~현재 (사)한국스페셜올림픽 청각검진위원

◦ 2012~현재 Audiology and Speech Research 부편집위원장

◦ 2013~2015 한림언어청각센터장

◦ 2011~현재 한림대학교 언어청각학부 조교수, 부교수

◦ 2007~2011 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 선임연구원

연구 및 저서

Google Scholar


· Kwak, C., Soe, J-H., Oh, Y., & Han, W. (2021). Efficacy of the digit-in-Noise test: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Audiology and Otology, Online ahead of print.


· Kim, S., You, S., Sohn, M. E., Han, W., Seo, J-H., Oh, Y. (2021). A Comparison between the Korean Digits-in-noise (K-DIN) test and the Korean Speech perception-in-noise (K-SPIN) test in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 25(4), 171-177.


· Kim, J., Shin, Y., Lee, S., Lee, E., Han, W., & Lee, J. (2021). Occupational performance of hearing-impaired and normal hearing workers in Korea. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 25(4), 189-198.


· Kwak, C. & Han, W. (2021). Age-related difficulty of listening effort in elderly. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 8845. (IF: 3.390)


· Kim, G., Shin, J., Song, C., & Han, W. (2021). Analysis of the actual one-month usage of portable listening devices in college students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 8550. (IF: 3.390)


· Dawes, P., Leroi, I., Chanuhan, N., Han, W., Harbishettar, V., Jatakodt, D. M. P.,... et al. (2021). Hearing and vision health for people with dementia in residential long term care: Knowledge, attitudes and practice in England, South Korea, India, Greece, Indonesia and Australia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 36(10), 1531-1540. (IF: 3.485)


· Shukor, N. F. A., Han, W., Lee, J., & Seo, Y. J. (2021). Crucial music components needed for speech perception enhancement of pediatric cochlear implant users: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Audiology and Neuro-Otology, Apr 20;1-25. doi: 10.1159/000515136. Online ahead of print. (IF: 1.854)


· Han, W., Yu, J-S., Park, S., & Kwon, M-S. (2021). A systematic review for effective preventive public education of respiratory infection. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8), 3927. (IF: 3.390)


· Kong, T.H., Lee, J., Kwak, C., Han, W., Gwon, O-H., & Seo, Y.J. (2021). Audiological benefits and performance improvements of Baha® attract implantation in patients with unilateral hearing loss. Cochlear Implants International, 22(5), 270-282.


· Chundu, S., Allen, P. M., Han, W., Ratinaud, P. Krishna, R., & Manchaiah, V. (2021). Social representation of hearing aids among people with hearing loss: An exploratory study. International Journal of Audiology, Mar 2;1-15. doi: 10.1080/14992027.2021.1886349. Online ahead of print. (IF: 2.117) 


· Park, S., Han, W., Kong, T. H., Seo, Y. J., Han, J., Kim, T. H. (2021). Auditory function testing for types of dementia: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg, 64(2), 47-69.


· Shukor, N. F. A., Lee, J., Seo, Y. J., & Han, W. (2021). Efficacy of music training in hearing aid and cochlear implant users: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology, 14(1), 15-28. (IF: 1.979)


· You, S., Han, W., Jang, H-J., Noh, G-Y. (2021). Changes in psychoacoustic recognition and brain activity by types of fire alarm. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 541-523. (IF: 3.390)


· Park, S., Han, W., Park, K-H. (2021). Justification for integrated care of dementia and presbycusis: Focused on national dementia policy. Audiology and Speech Research, 17(1), 112-119.


· Kwak, C., & Han, W. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis for better measurement of listening effort in adults with hearing loss. Audiology and Speech Research, 17(1), 1-14.


· Chundu, S., Manchaiah, V., Han, W., Thammaiah, S., Ratinaud, P., & Allen, P. M. (2020). Social representation of hearing loss among people with hearing loss: An exploratory cross-cultural study. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 31(10), 725-739.


· Park, S., & Han, W. (2020). Analysis for error patterns of consonant-vowel combinations in hearing-impaired elderly. Audiology and Speech Research, 16(3), 226-235.


· Park, S., Kwak, C., & Han, W. (2020). Effect of background music for attentive concentration in working. Audiology and Speech Research, 16(3), 188-195.


· Kyong, J-S., Kwak, C., Han, W., Suh, M-W., & Kim, J. (2020). Effect of speech degradation and listening effort in reverberating and noisy environments given N400 responses. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 24(3), 1-8.


· Kwak, C., Kim, S., You, S., & Han, W. (2020). Development of the Hearing Rehabilitation for Older adults (HeRO) healthcare mobile application and its likely utility for elderly users. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 1-13. (IF: 2.849)


· Han, W., Hong, M., Kim, T., & Park, S. (2020). Analysis of changes in awareness and attitude toward hearing-impaired students by experiencing handicap in college students. Audiology and Speech Research, 16(2), 95-103.


· You, S., Kwak, C., Han, W. (2020). Use of personal listening devices and knowledge/attitude for greater hearing conservation in college students: Data analysis and regression model based on 1009 respondents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 1-16. (IF: 2.849)


· You, S., Kong, T., & Han, W. (2020). The effects of short-term and long-term hearing changes on music exposure: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 1-16. (IF: 2.849)


· Lee, D. & Han, W. (2020). Noise levels at baseball stadiums and the spectators’ attitude to noise. Noise and Health, 21, 47-54. (IF: 1.418)


· You, S., Lee, J., Han, W., & Seo, Y. (2020). Application of acceptable noise level to confirm fitting strategy for bone-anchored hearing aid. Audiology and Speech Research, 16(1), 70-76.


· You, S., Han, W., Kim, S., Maeng, S., & Seo, Y. (2020). Reliability and validity of self-screening tool for hearing loss in older adults. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 15, 75-82. (IF: 2.585)


· Kim, Y., Han, W., Park, S., You, S., Kwak, C., Seo, Y., & Lee, J. (2020). Better understanding of direct bone-conduction measurement: comparison with frequency-specific bone-conduction tones and brainstem responses. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 24(2), 85-90.


· Kim, S., You, S., Kim, Y., & Han, W. (2020). Establishment of normative data for auditory brainstem responses in white noise condition. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg, 62(1), 14-20.


· You, S. & Han, W. (2020). Approach knowledge, attitudes, and practices model for elderly with dementia who are suspected to have hearing impairment in Korea. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 24(1), 40-47.


· Kwak, C. & Han, W. (2020). Toward size of scene in auditory scene analysis: A systematic review. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 24(1), 1-9.


· Jang, D.S., Shin, D.H., Han, W., Kong, T.H., & Seo, Y.J. (2020). Baha attract implantation using a small incision: Initial report of surgical technique and surveillance. Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology, 13(1), 15-22. (IF: 1.55)


· Kim, Y. & Han, W. (2019). Necessity of noise map for smart protection from environmental noise. Audiology and Speech Research, 15(3), 343-351.


· You, S., Kim, S., & Han, W. (2019). Normative data for frequency specificity of acoustic reflex thresholds. Audiology and Speech Research, 15(4), 258-264.


· Kwak, C., Kim, S., Lee, J., Seo, Y., Kong, T., & Han, W. (2019). Speech perception and gap detection performance of single-sided deafness under noisy conditions. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 23(4), 197-203.


· Park, S. & Han, W. (2019). A systematic review for auditory training effect based on Korean database. Audiology and Speech Research, 15(3), 145-159.


· Kong, T.H., Kwak, C., Han, W., & Seo, Y.J. (2019). Evaluation of wireless Bluetooth devices to improve recognition of speech and sentences when using a mobile phone in bone conduction device recipients. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 276, 2729-2737. (IF: 1.75)


· Kim, S. & Han, W. (2019). Development of non-occupational noise exposure questionnaire. Audiology and Speech Research, 15(2), 101-110.


· Han, W., Kim, S., Lee, E., & Kim, J. (2019). A review of music perception with cochlear implantation. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg, 62, 207-215.


· Kwak, C., You, S., Han, W., Lee, D., Ma, S., Park, S., & Kim, Y. (2019). Speech-perceptual map using confusing matric and application of Shepard’s law. Audiology and Speech Research, 15(2), 78-83.


· Song, H., Jeong, S., Lee, E., Alsabbagh, N., Lee, J., You, S., Kwak, C., Kim, S., & Han, W. (2019). Types of hearing protection devices and their application. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg, 62, 1-14.


· Kim, S., Ma, S., Lee, J., & Han, W. (2018). Categorization of sentence recognition for older adults under noisy and time-altered conditions. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 13, 2225–2235. (IF: 2.505)


· Kwak, C., Han, W., Lee, J., Kim, J., & Kim, S. (2018). Effect of noise and reverberation on speech recognition and listening effort for older adults. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 18, 1603-1608. (IF: 2.656)


· Na, W., You, S., & Han, W. (2018). Factors for determining preferred levels of portable listening device. Audiology and Speech Research, 14(4), 227-235.


· Han, W. & Kim, N. (2018). Pole-zero fitting for transfer function of hearing-aid receiver: Evidence-based review. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 22(3), 111-119.


· You, S., Kwak, C., Kim, S., Lee, J., Jeong, S., Lee, E., Song, H., Alsabbagh, N., & Han, W. (2018). Understanding a new method as powerful prevention of noise-induced hearing loss: Kurtosis metric. Audiology and Speech Research, 14(3), 149-157.


· Kim, G. & Han, W. (2018). Sound pressure levels generated at risk volume steps of portable listening devices: Types of smartphone and genres of music. BMC Public Health, 18, 481-487. (IF: 2.420)


· Kwak, C. & Han, W. (2018). Comparison of single-task versus dual-task for listening effort. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 22(2), 69-74.


· Seo, Y. J., Kwak, C., Kim, S., Park, Y. A., Park, K. H., & Han, W. (2018). Update on bone-conduction auditory brainstem responses: A review. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 22(2), 53-58.


· Kwak, C., Kim, S., & Han, W. (2018). Proximity analysis of web-based auditory training programs: Toward listening and customized learning exercises for aural rehabilitation. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg, 61(4), 167-176.


· Kim, S. & Han, W. (2018). Current developments and challenge of implantable bone conduction hearing aids. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg, 61(2), 67-75.


· Kim, S., Kwak, C., & Han, W. (2018). Local healthcare through healthy hearing program of special Olympic Korea: Inje Gangwon. Audiology and Speech Research, 14(1), 65-71.


· Shin, J., Kim, G., Han, W., & Song, C. (2017). Development of smartphone application to measure accumulated sound pressure levels. Audiology and Speech Research, 13(4), 287-294.


· Han, W., Lee, J., Kim, J., Lee, K., & Kim, D. (2017). Preferred compression threshold and release time in quiet and noisy conditions for elderly Korean hearing aid users. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 21(3), 133-139.


· Na, W., Kim, G., Kim, G, Han, W., & Kim, J. (2017). Effects of hearing loss on speech recognition under distracting conditions and working memory in the elderly. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 12, 1175-1181. (IF: 2.581)


· Lee, D., Kim, G., & Han, W. (2017). Analysis of subway interior noise at peak commuter time. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 21(2), 61-65.


· Lee, J. & Han, W. (2017). Auditory brainstem encoding of plosives in Korean normal hearing listeners. Audiology and Speech Research, 13(2), 101-107.


· Han, W., Chun, H., Kim, G., & Jin, I. (2017). Substitution patterns of phoneme errors in hearing aid and cochlear implant users. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 21(1), 28-32.


· Lee, J., Lee, S., Han, W., & Kim, J. (2017). Literature review of listening effort using subjective scaling. Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 60(3), 99-106.


· Yu, J., Jeon, H., Song, C., & Han, W.  (2017). Speech perception enhancement in elderly hearing aid users using an auditory training program for mobile devices. Geriatrics and Gerontology International, 17, 61-68. (IF: 2.229)


· Na, W., Kim, G., Kim, G., Lee, J., & Han, W. (2016). Sentence recognition error of hearing-impaired elderly in background noise and time alteration: Case analysis. Audiology and Speech Research, 12(4), 280-288.


· Kim, G., Kim, G., Na, W., & Han, W. (2016). A systematic approach to find a professional audiology clinic: Patient-based information. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 20(2), 114-119.


· Kim, G., Na, W., Kim, G., Han, W., & Kim, J. (2016). The development and standardization of Self-assessment for Hearing Screening of the Elderly. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 11, 787-795. (IF: 2.133)


· Chun, J. & Han, W. (2016).  Correlation of acoustic features and electrophysiological outcomes of stimuli at the level of auditory brainstem. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, 35(1), 63-73.


· Yu, J., Lee, D., & Han, W. (2016). Preferred listening levels of mobile phone programs when considering subway interior noise. Noise and Health, 18(80), 36-41. (IF: 1.477)


· Na, W. & Han, W. (2016). A review of hearing conservation program in military services: US army hearing program. Audiology and Speech Research, 12(1), 1-11.


· Chun, H., Ma, S., Han, W., & Chun, Y. (2015). Error patterns analysis of hearing aid and cochlear implant users as a function of noise. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 19(3), 144-153.


· Lee, D., Yu, J., & Han, W. (2015). Evaluation and analysis of awareness in noise-induced hearing loss using survey. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, 34(4), 274-281.


· Kim, S., Kwon, M., & Han, W. (2015). Development of a school adaptation program for elementary school students with hearing impairment. Journal of Audiology and Otology, 19(1), 26-33.


· Cho, H., Kim, S., Kwon, M., Oh, J., & Han, W. (2015). School adaptation program for school-age children with emotional and behavioral problems. Child Health Nursing Research, 21(2), 141-150.


· Han, W., Chun, H., & Ma, S. (2015). Changes of acoustic reflex thresholds and speech-in-noise perception using personal listening device under subway interior noise. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, 34(2), 138-145.


· Han, W., Lee, D., Koo, M., & Kim, J. (2015). Questionnaires for the hearing-impaired adults and elderly: A systematic literature review. Audiology, 11(1), 3-16.


· Xu, J. & Han, W. (2014). Improvement of adult BTE hearing aid wearers’ front/back localization performance using digital pinna-cue preserving technologies: An evidence-based review. Korean Journal of Audiology, 18(3), 97-104.


· Yu, J. Chun, H., Song, C. G., & Han, W. (2014).  Case study of speech perception enhancement in hearing-impaired adult by auditory training program of mobile device. Audiology, 10(2), 158-168.


· Lee, D., Park, S., Ji, H., Choi, Y., Lee, Y., & Han, W. (2014).  Development of effective hearing aids orientation DVD for hearing-impaired adults. Audiology, 10(1), 53-63.


· Cho.S., Yu, J., Chun, H., Seo, H., & Han, W. (2014).  Speech perception in older listeners with normal hearing: conditions of time alteration, selective word stress, and length of sentences. Korean Journal of Audiology, 18, 28-33.


· Han, W. & Bahng, J. (2013). A review of development and standardization on Korean speech audiometry. Audiology, 9(2), 113-126.


· Han, W., Park, J., & Bahng, J. (2013). The effects of auditory short-term training in passive oddball paradigm with novel stimuli. Korean Journal of Audiology, 17, 105-110.


· Han, W., Bahng, J., & Park, J. (2013). The cortical evoked response elicited by nine plosives in normal hearing listeners. Korean Journal of Audiology, 17, 124-132.


· Han, W. & Yu, J. (2013). Effects of hearing protection methods and noise directions on bone-conduction sensitivity. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, 32(5), 423-429.


· Han, W., Yu, J., & Cho, S. (2013). Perception of time-altered sentences and selective word stress by normal-hearing listeners. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, 32(5), 430-437.


· Han, W. & Allen, J. B. (2012). Speech perception test of zero-error consonant-vowel syllables in presbycusis.  Audiology, 8(2),183-189.


· Allen, J. B., Trevino, A., & Han, W. (2012). Speech perception and hearing loss. The Volta Review, 112(2), 156-166. (IF: 0.50)


· Han, W. & Allen, J. B. (2012). A relationship of tone, consonant, and speech perception in audiological diagnosis. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, 31(5), 298-308.


· Loucks, T., Chon, H., & Han, W. (2012). Audiovocal integration in adults who stutter. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 47(4), 451-456. (IF: 1.946)


■ 수상

- 2021. 11. 우수논문상- 구연부문 (한국청각언어재활학회)

- 2021. 06. 건강한연구실 과학기술정보통신부장관 표창

- 2020. 11. 우수논문상 - 구연부문 (한국청각언어재활학회)

- 2016. 11. 우수논문상 - 구연부문 (한국청각언어재활학회)

- 2015. 05. 우수논문상 (대한청각학회)

- 2013. 10. 우수논문상 - 구연부문 (한국청각언어재활학회)

- 2011. 03. Bob Bilger Graduate Student Award (UIUC, IL)

- 2010. 03. Phyllis Ariens Burkhead Memorial Fellowship (UIUC, IL)

- 2009. 05. Cognitive Science/Artificial Intelligence Award (Beckman Institute, IL)


■특허 등록

- 일음절어를 이용한 청력 검사 장치, 방법 및 프로그램 2021.10.01. #10-2310542

움악성 난청 예방용 음량 조절 장치 및 시스템 2019.10.17. #10-2035856

청각 기능 훈련 방법 및 장치 2019.09.17. #10-2024221


■ 연구비 수주

- 2021 ~ 2022 청력 추적 관리 서비스 (삼성전자 리서치)

- 2019 ~ 2022 노인성난청의 원스톱 청각케어 서비스를 위한 플랫폼 구축 (한국연구재단 이공기초연구)

- 2017 ~ 2019 스마트폰 MP3 플레이어 사용 시 어플리케이션을 적용한 대학생들의 선호 청취음량 비교 분석 (한국연구재단 우수신진연구)

- 2017 ~ 2018 난청노인의 원스톱 청각케어 서비스를 위한 모바일 어플리케이션 제작 (한림대학교 산학협력단)

- 2014 ~ 2016 지하철 및 버스 통근자의 소음성난청 예방을 위한 예측 포뮬라 개발 (한국연구재단 신진연구)

  • 분야

    신경언어-말-삼킴장애, 노화와 의사소통장애

  • 성명

    국문 윤지혜

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8605-1

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


연세대학교 (박사 - 언어병리학)

연세대학교(석사 - 언어병리학)

성균관대학교 (학사 - 영어영문학)


2006-2012 삼성서울병원 신경과 연구원
2012- 한림대학교 조교수, 부교수, 교수
2015-2017 청각언어연구소장
2015-2017 한림언어청각센터사장
2015-2017 대학원 재활치료학 협동과정 주임교수
2016-2018 보건과학대학원 언어병리학학과장

연구 및 저서

■ 논문

◦ Comparison of word production ability of young and middle-aged adults using word-chain tasks. Audiology and Speech Research (SCOPUS), 교신저자, in press
◦ Changes in pen pressure, letter size, and writing speed according to visual cues in patients with Parkinson's disease. Audiology and Speech Research (SCOPUS), 교신저자, in press
◦ Predictive Indicators of Kinematic Writing Ability in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: Focusing on Cognition, Depression, and Motor Abilities. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2022
◦ Exploring Text Mining as a Vocabulary Evaluation Method: Focusing on Utterance Data from Children and Adolescents. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 공동저자, 2022
◦ Honorific Speech Impairment: A Characteristic Sign of Frontotemporal Dementia. Cognitive & Behavioral Neurology (SCI), 교신저자, 2021  
◦ 청년층, 중장년층, 노년층의 대화 특성 비교: 화용 능력을 중심으로 (학진등재), 교신저자, 2021
◦ Comparison of Word Reading between Cognitively Normal Elderly and Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairment according to Word Condition. Audiology and Speech Research (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2021
◦ Comparison of Word-Writing Performance according to the Degree of Cognitive Decline: Focused on Patients with Subjective Memory Complaint, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer’s Disease. Audiology and Speech Research (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2021
◦ Attitude of Korean Speech-Language Pathologists toward Usage of Language Sample Analysis and Computer-aided LSA. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 공동저자, 2020
◦ The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon in older adults with subjective memory complaints. Plos One (SCI), 교신저자, 2020
◦ A qualitative study on experiences and needs of language sample analysis by speech-language pathologists: Focused on children with language disorders. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 공동저자, 2020
◦ A qualitative study on experiences and needs of language sample analysis by speech-language pathologists: Focused on patients with acquired neurogenic language disorders. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 제1저자, 2020
◦ Characteristics of writing in Parkinson's disease: Focused on pen pressure, letter size, and writing speed. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2020
◦ Characteristics of conversation in patients with right hemisphere damage. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2019  
◦ Changes in naming and cognitive abilities as the effects of semantic feature analysis treatment in middle-aged and older adults. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2019 
◦ A web service for evaluating the level of speech in Korean. Applied Sciences (SCI), 공동저자, 2019  
◦ Subjective rating scale for discourse: evidence from the efficacy of subjective rating scale in amnestic mild cognitive impairments. Medicine (SCI), 교신저자, 2019 ◦ Lifespan development of syntactic ability from early childhood to old age. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 제1저자, 2018
◦ Characteristics and underlying mechanisms of semantic clustering in Parkinson’s disease. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2018 
◦ Reading and writing characteristics of cerebral infarction patients with or without aphasia. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2018
◦ Development of conversational skills from late children to adolescent. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 공동저자, 2018 
◦ Medial-vowel writing difficulty in Korean syllabic writing: a characteristic sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Clinical Neurology (SCI), 제1저자, 2018 
◦ Characteristics of conversation in frontotemporal dementia: comparison with dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2018 
◦ Comparison between self-reported and objective measures on speech characteristics in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 제1저자, 2018 
◦ Characteristics of word reading according to word condition in normal adults.  Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2017 
◦ Lifespan development of word use from early childhood to old age. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 공동저자, 2017 
◦ Characteristics of confrontation naming ability according to word frequency in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A preliminary study. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2017 
◦ 노년층의 글쓰기 특성 -이야기문법과 구문구조-. 재활복지 (학진등재), 교신저자, 2017 
도시와 농촌거주 노인의 인지기능 비교: 예비연구. 디지털융복합연구 (학진등재), 교신저자, 2017 
◦ Numerical Processing and Calculation Deficits in Alzheimer’s Disease. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 공동저자, 2017 
◦ Word Lexicality- and Regularity-Dependent Alexia in Alzheimer’s Disease. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 공동저자, 2017 
◦ Neuroanatomical Correlates of Hypophonia in Subcortical Vascular Cognitive Impairment. European Neurology (SCI), 제1저자, 2017
◦ 노년층과 청년층의 상위범주어 과제 수행력 비교. 재활복지 (학진등재), 교신저자, 2016 
◦ 정상 청년층과 노년층의 비유언어 이해 능력: 직유, 은유, 관용어, 속담을 중심으로. 한국노년학 (학진등재), 교신저자, 2016 
◦ 노년층의 문법판단 및 오류수정능력. 언어치료교육 (학진등재), 교신저자, 2016 
◦ Characteristics of the defining ability of the elderly in nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2016 
◦ Micrographia in Parkinson's disease: Comparison between horizontal and vertical handwritings. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2016
◦ Category norms for Korean adults age 55 to 74. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 교신저자, 2015
◦ 정상 노인의 절차 담화 특성. 한국노년학 (학진등재), 교신저자, 2015 
◦ The distinctive effect of providing syllables in letter fluency testing: Literate vs. illiterate elderly persons. Speech Communication (SCI), 교신저자, 2015
◦ 생성이름대기를 통한 정상 노인의 단어 찾기 책략 특성. 재활복지 (학진등재), 교신저자, 2015 
◦ 파킨슨병 환자의 교대운동속도 과제에서 관찰된 ‘말 뭉침’의 음향학적 특성. 말소리와 음성과학 (학진등재), 교신저자, 2015 
◦ Efficacy of language-appropriate cueing on micrographia in Korean patients with Parkinson's disease. Geriatrics & Gerontology International (SCI). 공동저자, 2015 
◦ Initial phase performance in a 30-s verbal fluency task as being reflective of aging effect. Geriatrics & Gerontology International (SCI). 공동저자, 2015 
◦ Effect of literacy level on cognitive and language tests in Korean illiterate older adults. Geriatrics & Gerontology International (SCI). 공동저자, 2014
◦ Response time measurements in the iOS app-based Token Test, the Brief Token Test in the elderly. Geriatrics & Gerontology International (SCI). 공동저자, 2014
◦ 후천성 말실행증 진단에 대한 인식 조사. 언어치료연구 (학진등재), 제1저자, 2014
◦ 정상 노화와 치아소실 유무에 따른 삼킴문제 및 삶의 질. 한국노년학. (학진등재), 교신저자, 2014
◦ 소리내어 생각하기(Think-aloud) 방법을 통한 청년층과 노년층의 추론특성 비교. 재활복지 (학진등재), 교신저자, 2014
◦ Size variability of handwriting in healthy Korean older adults. Geriatrics & Gerontology International (SCI). 제1저자, 2014
◦ 근거기반실무(Evidence-based practice)에 대한 언어재활사의 인식 및 실태 조사. 재활복지 (학진등재), 제1저자, 2014
◦ 쓰기서술에서 나타난 정상노인의 언어능력 특성. 언어치료연구 (학진등재), 교신저자, 2014
◦ 정상 노인의 연령에 따른 철자 산출 특성 말소리와 음성과학 (학진등재), 제1저자, 2014
◦ 삼킴장애 진단과 치료에 대한 언어치료전공자의 인식 및 현황. 말소리와 음성과학 (학진등재), 제1저자, 2013
◦ 언어치료 전공 학생들의 언어재활실습에 대한 만족도 및 인식. 언어치료연구 (학진등재), 제1저자, 2013 
◦ 음성위생교육 만족도에 대한 예비 연구. 말소리와 음성과학 (학진등재), 제1저자, 2013 
◦ 진성대 질환군에 따른 가성대 움직임의 비교. 언어치료연구 (학진등재), 공동저자, 2013
◦ Orthographic Knowledge of Hangul Syllable in Alzheimer’s Disease. Communication Sciences & Disorders (SCOPUS), 제1저자, 2013
◦ Dysgraphia in Korean patients with Alzheimer's disease as a manifestation of bilateral hemispheric dysfunction. Journal of Neurological Sciences (SCI), 제1저자, 2012
◦ Agraphia in Korean patients with early onset Alzheimer's disease. International Psychogeriatrics (SCI), 제1저자, 2011
◦ Language-Specific Dysgraphia in Korean Stroke Patients. Cognitive & Behavioral Neurology (SCI), 제1저자, 2010
◦ Is Phonological-Lexical Representation Preserved in Moderate Stage Alzheimer Disease? Evidence From the Efficacy of Korean Syllabic Cues. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders (SCI), 제1저자, 2010


■ 저서

◦ 노화와 의사소통, (역서, 공동), 학지사 2020
◦ 언어재활현장실무 (저서, 공동), 학지사, 2019
◦ 말운동장애: 기질, 감별진단, 중재 (역서, 공동), 박학사, 2016
◦ 임상가를 위한 인지신경학, 신경심리학 (저서, 공동), 뇌미인, 2016
◦ 치매증례집 (저서, 공동), 뇌미인, 2016
◦ 노화와 의사소통장애 (역서, 공동), 학지사, 2015



한국언어청각임상학회 상임이사, 학술위원
한국언어재활사협회 교육위원
한국음성학회 상임이사, 편집위원
한국노년학회 상임이사

  • 분야

    청각증폭기기, 이명

  • 성명

    국문 진인기

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    자연과학관 7526-1

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


2010 - 2014

University of Colorado at Boulder(박사-청각학)


2007 - 2009

한림국제대학원대학교 (석사-청각학)


2001 - 2007



2016 ~ 2018 

한림대학교 동아리지도위원회 위원


2015 ~ Present 

한림대학교 언어청각학부 조교수


2012 ~ 2014 

콜로라도대학교 선임연구원

연구 및 저서

Google Scholar



◦ Jin, I. K., Choi, S. J., & Ku, M. (2021). Notched and Nonnotched Stimuli Are Equally Effective at the Mixing Point Level in Sound Therapy for Tinnitus Relief. JAAA.

◦ Jin, I. K., Choi, S. J., Yoo, J., Jeong, S., Heo, S., & Oh, H. (2021). Effects of tinnitus sound therapy determined using subjective measurements. JAAA.

◦ Choi, S. J., Ku, M., Lee, T., Sim, Y., Yoo, J., Shukor, N. F. A., ... & Jin, I. K. (2021). Purpose, Procedure, and Contents of Counseling according to Tinnitus Interventions. ASR.

◦ Jin, I. K., & Oh, S. H. (2021). Comparison of Domestic and Foreign Audiologist Education Status and Qualification System. ASR.


◦ Jinbae Shin, Sohee Heo, Ho-Ki Lee, Richard Tyler, and In-Ki Jin. (2019). Reliability and Validity of a Korean Version of the Tinnitus Primary Function Questionnaire. AJA.


◦ Jeeun Yoo, Hongyeop Oh, Seungyeop Jeong, and In-Ki Jin. (2019). Comparison of Speech Rate and Long-Term Average Speech Spectrum between Korean Clear Speech and Conversational Speech. JAO.


◦ Seungyeop Jeong, Sohee Heo, Hongyeop Oh, Jeeun Yoo, In-Ki Jin. (2019). Tinnitus Rehabilitation Effects Using Partial Masking with Nature Sounds. ASR.


◦ Seungyeop Jeong, Sohee Heo, Hongyeop Oh, Jeeun Yoo, In-Ki Jin. (2019). Methods and Application of Sound Therapy for Tinnitus Rehabilitation. ASR.


◦ Hongyeop Oh, Sohee Heo, In-Ki Jin. (2019). A Comparison of Band-Importance Function and Transfer Function Using Clear Speech and Conversational Speech. ASR.


◦ Kyungju Lee, Hongyeop Oh, Suyeon Shin, Sohee Heo, In-Ki Jin. (2018). Comparison of Dynamic Range of Clear Speech and Conversational Speech in Korean. ASR


◦ Sohee Heo, Hongyeop Oh, In-Ki Jin. (2018). Comparisons of the Korean Band-Importance and Absolute Transfer Functions according to Speakers’ Gender. ASR.


◦ Jangwon Lee, Kyungju Lee, Hongyeop Oh, Seungyeop Jeong, In-Ki Jin. (2018). Analytical Review of Tinnitus Questionnaires: Characteristics and Understanding. ASR.


◦ Seungyeop Jeong, Sohee Heo, Hongyeop Oh, In-Ki Jin. (2018). Effect of Tinnitus Rehabilitation for Elderly Patients through a Visiting Service. ASR.


◦ Kyungju Lee, In-Ki Jin. (2018). A Comparison of Acoustical Characteristics between International Speech Test Signal and Korean Speech Stimuli. CSD.


◦ In-Ki Jin, James M. Kates, and Kathryn H. Arehart. (2018). Author’s Rebuttal to Smits et al. (2017), “Comment on ‘Sensitivity of the Speech Intelligibility Index to the Assumed Dynamic Range’ by Jin et al. (2017)”. JSLHR.


◦ Dongchang Kim, Jinbae Shin, Kyungju Lee, In-Ki Jin. (2017). Rehabilitation options for subjective tinnitus. Audiology and Speech Research, 13(1), 1-8.


◦ In-Ki Jin, Kyoungwon Lee, Jinsook Kim, Dongwook Kim, Junil Sohn, Junghak Lee. (2017). Comparison of a Hearing Aid Fitting Formula Based on Korean Acoustic Characteristics and Existing Fitting Formulae. Audiology and Speech Research, 13(3), 216-221.


◦ In-Ki Jin, James M. Kates, & Kathryn H. Arehart. (2017). Sensitivity of the Speech Intelligibility Index to the Assumed Dynamic Range Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 60, 1674-1680.


◦ KyungjuLee, & In-Ki Jin. (2016). A Study of Durations for Korean Vowels at Isolated Utterance Condition. Aduiology & Speech Research, 12(3), 150-156.


◦ In-Ki Jin, Junghak Lee, Kyoungwon Lee, Jinsook Kim, Dongwook Kim, Junil Sohn, & Kyungju lee. (2016). The Band-Importance Function for the Korean Standard Sentence Lists for Adults. Journal of Audiology & Otology, 20(2), 91-95.


◦ Kyungju Lee, & In-Ki Jin. (2016). A study of durations for Korean vowels at an isolated utterance condition. Audiology & Speech Research, 12, 150-156.


◦ In-Ki Jin, James M. Kates, & Kathryn H. Arehart. Does Language Matter when using a Graphical Method for Calculating the Speech Intelligibility Index? Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 28(2), 119-126.


◦ In-Ki Jin, James M. Kates, Kyoungwon Lee, & Kathryn H. Arehart. (2015). Derivations of the band-importance function: A cross-procedure comparison. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(2), 938-941.


◦ Gun-Gu Kim, In-Ki Jin. (2015). Measurements and Applications of the Speech Intelligibility Index (SII). Audiology and Speech Research, 11(3), 186-195.


◦ Kyeong-Yeon Park, & In-Ki Jin. (2015). The Dynamic Range for Korean Standard Sentence Material: A Gender Comparison in a Male and a Female Speakers. Journal of audiology & otology, 19(2), 97-100.


◦ In-Ki Jin, James M. Kates, and Kathryn H. Arehart. (2014). The Dynamic range for speech materials in Korean, English, and Mandarin: A cross-language comparison. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.


◦ In-Ki Jin, James M. Kates, and Kathryn H. Arehart. (2012). The effect of noise envelope modulation on quality judgments of noisy speech. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 132(4), 277-283.


◦ In-Ki Jin, & Jae-Hee Lee. (2010). Effects of Talker Variability on Speech Recognition of Normal-Hearing Listeners for Korean Speech Audiometry. Audiology Rehabilitation, 6, 19-24.


◦ In-Ki Jin, & Jae-Hee Lee. (2010). A Comparison of Long-Term Average Speech Spectrum (LTASS) among Korean Monosyllabic Words, Sentences, and English Sentences. Audiology Rehabilitation, 6, 164-172.



◦ 보청기 실제 1판. (2019). 교우사. 책임저자


◦ 청각학 개론 2판. (2017). 학지사. 공저자


■연구비 수주

◦2020 ~ 2021 개인 맞춤형 이명소리치료 어플리케이션 개발 (과학기술일자리진흥원)

◦2018 ~ 2021 복합음을 활용한 이명 재활용 소리치료 음원 개발 (한국연구재단)

◦2015 ~ 2018 한국형 어음인지지수의 개발: 보청기적합효과의 예측 모델 (한국연구재단)


■ 대외활동

◦2021 ~ Present 강원정보문화진흥원 기술닥터
◦2021 ~ Present 사단법인 한국청각언어재활학회 총무이사
◦2021 ~ Present 한국청능사협회 부회장

◦2019 ~ Present 국립환경과학원 환경표준심의회 일반소음분과 전문위원

◦2019 ~ 2020 한국청능사협회 총무이사
◦2016 ~ 2020 국제표준화기구 ISO 보청기적합국제표준안개발 한국팀 위원
◦2016 ~ 2020 한국청각언어재활학회 교육위원회 부위원장

◦2019 ~ Present 한국청능사협회 총무이사

◦2016 ~ Present 국제표준화기구 ISO 보청기적합국제표준안개발 한국팀 위원

◦2016 ~ Present 한국청각언어재활학회 교육위원회 부위원장

◦2016 ~ 2018 청능사자격검정원 총무이사

◦2016 ~ 2017 AURIS medical 국제돌발성난청연구 한국지부 총괄자문위원

◦2016 ~ 2017 코이카 베트남 언어청각전문인력양성 및 역량강화 사업 청각분과 파견 강사

  • 분야


  • 성명

    국문 전진아

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8603-2호실

  • 연락처


  • 이메일






- 2004~2008

  의료법인 을지병원 정신건강의학과 소아청소년발달증진클리닉, 언어재활사

- 2011~2011
  한림대학교 보건과학대학원, 시간강사

- 2012~2015
  한림대학교 부설 한림언어청각센터, 언어재활사

- 2012~2015
  한림대학교 자연과학대학 언어청각학부, 시간강사

- 2015~현재

  한림대학교 자연과학대학 언어청각학부, 조교수

연구 및 저서

■ 논문

- 자폐스펙트럼장애학생의 의사소통 어려움에 대한 장애인활동보조인의 인식 및 교육적 지원 요구[자폐성장애연구, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2017]

- 자폐스펙트럼장애 위험군과 언어발달지체 영아의 비구어 모방행동 특성과 언어발달과의 상관관계[자폐성장애연구, KCI등재, 공동(제1), 2015]

- 자폐범주성장애 위험 영아와 언어발달지체 영아의 의사소통적 제스처 사용비교[자폐성장애연구, KCI등재, 공동(참여), 2014]

- 자폐범주성장애 위험군과 언어발달지체 영유아의 공동주의 능력[자폐성장애연구, KCI등재, 공동(제1) 2014]

- 자폐범주성장애 의심 영유아와 언어발달지체 영유아의 언어 및 사회적 의사소통 능력 비교[Communication Sciences and Disorders, KCI등재, 공동(제1), 2013]

- 자폐범주성장애 아동과 지적장애 아동의 초기 의사소통 행동 비교[자폐성장애연구, KCI등재, 공동(참여), 2012]


■ 저서

노화와 의사소통장애(역서, 공동), 학지사, 2020


■ 학회활동

- 한국언어청각임상학회 정회원

- 한국자폐학회 정회원

- 한국언어재활사협회 편집위원


■ 기타

- 구리시 드림스타트, 보육•교육사업 수퍼바이저

- 구리시장애아동재활치료센터, 전문자문위원

- 삼성소리샘복지관, 전문자문위원

  • 분야

    음성장애, 말과학

  • 성명

    국문 이승진

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    자연과학관 7612호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


연세대학교 (박사-언어병리학/음성장애)

연세대학교 (석사-언어병리학)

고려대학교 (독어독문학 학사 및 독어학 석사)


2023~현재 한림대학교 청각언어연구소장 및 한림언어청각센터 사장
2021~현재 한림대학교 언어청각학부 조교수
2018~2021 연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실 연구조교수
2016~2021 강남세브란스병원 이비인후과 후두음성언어의학연구소 연구원
2013~2015 대림대학교 언어재활과 조교수
2011~2013 한양대학교구리병원 이비인후과 언어재활사
2009~2011 신촌세브란스 재활병원 언어재활사

연구 및 저서

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■ 논문

[SCI] Lee SJ, Park YM, Lim JY*. Comprehensive Index of Vocal Fatigue (CIVF): Development and clinical validation. J Voice 2023 May 6. doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2023.04.005 Online ahead of print (IF 2.2).
[SCOPUS] Choi JH, Lee SJ, Chae HR, Kang MS, Park YM, Wang SG, Lim JY*. A quantitative examination of vocal fold vibratory changes using two-dimensional digital kymography after angiolytic laser stripping for vocal fold leukoplakia. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2023 Jun;66(6):393-9.
[SCI] Ryu C, Lee SJ, Cho JG, Choi IJ, Choi YS, Hong YT, et al. Care and management of voice change for thyroid surgery: Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics clinical practice guideline. Clin Exp Otolaryngol 2022 Feb;15(1):24-48. (Co-first author, IF 3.0)
[SCI] Lee SJ, Kang MS, Park YM, Lim JY*. Reliability of acoustic measures in dysphonic patients with glottic insufficiency and healthy population: A COVID-19 perspective. J Voice 2022 Jul 12. doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2022.06.013 Online ahead of print (IF 2.2).
[SCOPUS] Lee SJ*, Kim J, Lim JY. Responsiveness of the Absolute Error of Estimated Speaking Fundamental Frequency (AEF0) after surgical intervention of voice disorders. Commun Sci Disord 2022 Dec;27(4):894-906.
[KCI] Lee SJ*. Current status and perspectives of telepractice in voice and speech therapy. J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop 2022 Dec;.33(3):130-41.
[KCI] Lee SJ*. A follow-up case of voice changes in acute COVID-19 infection. J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop 2022 Dec;.33(3):183-7.
[KCI] Lee K, Lee SJ*. A preliminary study on acoustic measures according to the laryngeal height in male musical theatre students. Phon Speech Sci 2022 Jun;14(2):55-65.
[KCI] Kim J*, Lee SJ. Comparison of voice range profiles of modal and falsetto register in dysphonic and non-dysphonic women. Phon Speech Sci 2022 Dec;14(4):67-75.
[SCI] Lee SJ, Kang MS, Park YM, Choi HS, Lim JY*. Predictive factors affecting the outcomes of angiolytic laser-assisted glottoplasty for sulcus vocalis. J Voice 2021 Nov 2. doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2021.09.024 Online ahead of print. (Co-first author, IF 2.300)
[SCI] Lee SJ*, Choi HS, Kim H. Acoustic Psychometric Severity Index of Dysphonia (APSID): Development and clinical application. J Voice 2021 Jul;35(4):660.e19-660.e25. (IF 2.300)
[SCI] Lee SJ, Kang MS, Choi HS, Lim JY*. Alternating unilateral versus bilateral injections of botulinum toxin for the treatment of adductor spasmodic dysphonia. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2021 Apr;164(4):815-20. (Co-first author, IF 5.591, JCR<10%)
[SCI] Kang MS, Lee SJ, Choi HS, Lim JY*. Factors influencing long‐term treatment response to botulinum toxin injection for spasmodic dysphonia. Clin Otolaryngol 2021 Mar;46(2):436-44. (Co-first author, IF 2.729)
[SCI] Shin GC, Kim J, Lee SJ, Kang MS, Ahn SJ, Lim JY*. Sialendoscopy combined with transoral sialodochoplasty for treatment of parotid duct stenosis with megaduct. Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol 2021 Nov;14(4):431-4. (IF 3.340, Q1)
[SCI] Jeon YT, Hong MP, Lee SJ, Shin GC, Choi J, Lim JY*. Efficacy and safety of intraglandular botulinum toxin injections for treatment of sialadenosis. Clin Otolaryngol 2021 Sep;46(5):1131-5. (IF 2.729)
[SCOPUS] Pyo HY, Lim JY, Lim SE, Lee SJ*. Comparison of voice-related quality of life for the elderly with and without voice disorders according to genders by Aging Voice Index-Korean version (AVI-KR). Commun Sci Disord 2021 Dec;26(4):933-43.
[KCI] Lee SJ*. Discussions on auditory-perceptual evaluation performed in patients with voice disorders. J Korean Soc Laryngol Phoniatr Logop 2021 Dec;32(3):109-17.
[KCI] Kim J*, Lee SJ. Voice range profile in premutaion, mutation, and postmutation of men. Phon Speech Sci 2021 Dec;13(4):89-100.
[SCOPUS] Lee SJ*, Kim J. Clinical usefulness of estimated speaking fundamental frequency using the voice and speech range profiles in voice disorders. Commun Sci Disord 2020 Jun;25:480-8.
[SCI] Lee SJ*, Choi HS, Kim H. A comparison of voice activity and participation profiles among etiological groups. J Voice 2019 Sep;33:804.e5-804.e12. (IF 1.903)
[SCOPUS] Lee SJ, Lim SE, Choi HS, Lim JY*. A comparison of voice activity and participation profiles according to the patterns of professional voice use. Commun Sci Disord 2019 Sep;24:758-69.
​[KCI] Lee SJ*, Kim J. Prediction of speaking fundamental frequency using the voice and speech range profiles in normal adults. Phon Speech Sci 2019 Sep;11:49-55.
​[KCI] Kim J*, Lee SJ. Development and validation of Speech Range Profile task. Phon Speech Sci 2019 Sep;11:77-87.
​[SCI] Lim JY, Park YM, Kang M, Lee SJ, Baek K, Na J, Choi HS*. Angiolytic laser stripping versus CO2 laser microflap excision for vocal fold leukoplakia: Long-term disease control and voice outcomes. PLOS One 2018 Dec;13:e0209691. (IF 2.776)
[SCOPUS] Lee SJ, Lee KY, Choi HS*. Clinical usefulness of voice recordings using a smartphone as a screening tool for voice disorders. Commun Sci Disord 2018 Dec;23:1065-77.
[SCOPUS] Lee SJ, Lim SE, Lim JY, Choi HS*. A comparison among repeated measures of the voicing efficiency protocol in the aerodynamic assessment. Commun Sci Disord 2018 Sep;23:755-63.
[SCOPUS] Lee SJ, Pyo HY, Choi HS*. Normative data of cepstral and spectral measures in Korean adults using vowel phonation and passage reading tasks. Commun Sci Disord 2018 Mar;23:208-17.
[KCI] Lee SJ, Choi HS, Lim JY, Lee KY*. The effect of the Modified Voiced Lip Trill (MVoLT) training on vocal changes of musical theater students. Phon Speech Sci 2018 Dec;10:135-46.
[KCI] Lee SJ, Choi HS*. Radiological and acoustic characteristics of “Arae-a” (/ㆍ/) articulation in Jeju language speakers. Phon Speech Sci 2018 Mar;10:57-64.
[SCOPUS] Lee SJ, Lim SE, Choi HS*. A comparison of cepstral and spectral measures according to measurement position in a reading passage. Commun Sci Disord 2017 Dec;22:818-26.
[SCOPUS] Lee SJ, Lim SE, Choi HS*. Responsiveness of the Korean Version of the Voice Activity and Participation Profile (K-VAPP) after surgical intervention. Commun Sci Disord 2017 Jun;22:379-90.
[KCI] Lee SJ, Lee KY, Lim JY, Choi HS*. A comparison of acoustic & electroglottographic measures according to voiced lip trill methods. Phon Speech Sci 2017 Dec;9:107-14. 
[SCI] Lee SJ, Cho Y, Song JY, Lee D, Kim Y*, Kim H. Aging effect on Korean female voice: acoustic and perceptual examinations of breathiness. Folia Phoniatr Logop 2016 May;67:300-7. (IF 0.417)
[SCOPUS] Lee SJ*, Choi HS, Kim H, Byeon HK, Lim SE, Yang MK. Korean Version of the Voice Activity and Participation Profile (K-VAPP): A validation study. Commun Sci Disord 2016 Dec;21:695-708.
[SCOPUS] Lee SJ, Lee SJ, Song JY, Kim GY, Kim H*. White matter connectivity as a neurophysiological mechanism for auditory comprehension in the neurologically normal and impaired. Commun Sci Disord 2015 Mar;20:121-32. 
[KCI] Kim SW, Yoon JH, Lee SJ*. Acoustic characteristics of ‘short rushes of speech’ using alternate motion rates in patients with Parkinson's disease. Phon Speech Sci 2015 Jun;7:55-62.
[KCI] Lee SJ, Lee SJ, Song JY, Kim H*. Characteristics of language comprehension in normal elderly and the mild cognitive impaired. Dement Neurocognitive Disord 2014 Sep;13:51-62.
[KCI] Yoon JH, Lee SJ, Kim SW*. A survey on the diagnosis of acquired apraxia of speech. J Speech Lang Hear Disord 2014 Sep;23:35-50.
[KCI] Lee SJ, Kim H*, Seo S, Kim M. Patterns of word class production between picture description and narrative tasks in aphasia. Commun Sci Disord 2009;14:470-83. 
[KCI] Kim H*, Park ES, Park JE, Lee HJ, Nam JM, Choi MS, Lee SJ. Do gross/fine motor functions and/or non-speech mechanism function affect feeding-swallowing function in children with cerebral palsy? Commun Sci Disord 2008;13:242-62.

■ 저서
병원에서 언어재활사로 살아남기- 희로애락(喜怒哀樂)편. (저서, 공동). 충남대학교출판문화원, 2023.


■ 학회활동
2023~현재 대한후두음성언어의학회 편집위원 및 교과서편찬위원회 section editor(음성치료)
2022~현재 한국음성학회 편집부위원장 (말장애 분야)
2019~현재 한국언어청각임상학회 상임이사, 학술 및 홍보위원
2019~2021 대한후두음성언어의학회 진료지침위원회 간사 및 교육위원회 위원
2019 한국음성학회 협동이사
한국언어재활사협회 정회원 (1급 언어재활사)
■ 수상
2022. 3 대한후두음성언어의학회 예송학술상 (국제학술지 임상 부문)
2021. 11 우수논문상 (제7회 한국언어치료학회·한국언어청각임상학회 공동학술대회)
2020. 11 우수논문상 (2020 한국언어청각임상학회 학술대회)
2019. 11 우수논문상 (제6회 한국언어청각임상학회·한국언어치료학회 공동학술대회)
2016. 9 우수논문상 (2016 한국언어청각임상학회 학술대회)
2015. 10 Best Presentation Award (9th Asia Pacific Conference of Speech, Language and Hearing)
■ 특허
휴대용 단말을 이용한 사용자 음성 피로도 원격 관리 장치 10-2019-0036612
■ 연구비 수주
2022~현재 음성장애에서 음성 피로의 정량화를 위한 종합적인 지수의 개발 및 임상 적용 (한국연구재단 인문사회분야 신진연구자지원사업, 연구책임자)
2020~현재 음성 및 정신질환 예측/진단/관리를 위한 음성-언어-생체신호 통합 인공지능 의료기기 개발 (범부처전주기의료기기연구개발사업, 참여연구원)
2021~2022현재 음성장애의 중재 후 음성 결과의 종합적 정량화 및 인공지능 기반 예측 (한국연구재단 이공분야 개인기초연구 생애 첫 연구 지원사업, 연구책임자)
2018~2021 Speech Range Profile (SRP) 발화과제 개발 및 음성장애 유형과 중증도에 따른 SRP와 Voice Range Profile (VRP) 비교 (한국연구재단 일반공동연구지원사업, 공동연구원)
2018~2019 직업적 음성 사용 패턴에 따른 음성 활동 및 참여 프로파일 비교 (한국연구재단 우수논문지원사업, 연구책임자)


■ 연구실 소개
연구실명: 한림음성의사소통장애연구실(Hallym Lab for Voice & Communication Disorders, HVCD)
지도교수: 이승진
주요 연구분야: 음성장애, 음향학적 음성분석, 음성스크리닝 지표개발, AI 기반 음성분석, 심리측정적 음성평가, 음성치료 등
※ 홈페이지: https://sites.google.com/view/hallymhvcd

  • 분야

    뇌신경과학, 인공와우 평가 및 재활

  • 성명

    국문 안현정

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8601호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


2018~2021 City University of Hong Kong(박사-Neuroscience)

2011~2013 한림대학교 국제대학원(이학석사-청각학)

2005~2010 한림대학교(학사-청각학)


2024~ Present 한림대학교 언어청각학부 조교수

2022~2024 한국과학기술연구원(KIST) AI 로봇연구소 박사후연구원

2017~2021 City University of Hong Kong 선임연구원

2014~2017 평촌 한림대 병원 재활의학과/이비인후과 연구원

연구 및 저서

Hyun Jung An (2024) Neural Mechanism Theories: Dissecting Mismatch Negativity and Stimulus-Specific Adaptation for a Deeper Understanding of Auditory Processing. Audiology and Speech Research (SCOPUS)


Hyun Jung An, JeeWon Lee, Myung-Whan Su, Yoonseob Lim. (2023) Neural correlation of speech envelope tracking for background noise in normal hearing. Frontiers in Neuroscience. (SCI)


HyunJung An, Shahid Bashir, Eunsil Cha, Jeongeun Lee, Suk Hoon Ohn, Kwang-Ik Jung and Woo-Kyoung Yoo. (2022) Continuous theta-burst stimulation over the left posterior inferior frontal gyrus induced compensatory plasticity in the language network. Frontiers in Neurology (SCI)


HyunJung An, Ryszard Auksztulewicz, HiJee Kang, Jan W.H. Schnupp. (2021)Cortical mapping ofmismatch responses to independent acoustic features. Hearing Research (SCI)


HyunJung An, Shing Ho Kei, Ryszard Auksztulewicz, Jan W. Schnupp. (2021) Do auditory mismatchresponses differ between acoustic features?. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (SCI)


HiJee Kang, Ryszard Auksztulewicz, HyunJung An, Nicolas Abichacra, Mitchell Sutter, Jan W.Schnupp.(2021) Neural correlates of auditory pattern learning in the auditory cortex. Frontiers in Neuroscience (SCI)


Dan Luo, Kongyan Li, HyunJung An, Jan W.Schnupp, (2021)Ryszard Auksztulewicz. Learning boosts thedecoding of sound sequences in rat auditory cortex. Current Research in Neurobiology (SCI)


HyunJung Ahn, Shahid Bashir, Paula Martin, Margaret A Naeser, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Woo- Kyoung Yoo. (2020) cTBS effect on language reorganization verified by fMRI and chronometry TMS in anaphasia patient. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience (SCI)


Young Scientist Fellowship (2021, IBS 기초과학연구소)


Outstanding Academic funding (2020. Hong Kong government)

콘텐츠 담당자 : 언어청각학부

  • 전화번호 :033-248-2210
  • e-Mail :de2210@hallym.ac.kr