


  • 분야

    환경미생물학, 생물정화기술, 상수도미생물학

  • 성명

    국문 최성찬

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8501호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


1989-1993 Rutgers University (Ph.D - Biochemistry & Microbiology)


1985-1987 서울대학교 (이학석사 - 미생물학과)


1981-1985 서울대학교 (이학사 - 미생물학과)



2016 - 현재

- 교무처장

- 연구처장

- 공동장비지원센터장


2012 – 2014

한림대학교 기획처장, 학생처장




2016 – 현재

환경부 수돗물 인식개선위원회 위원


2015 – 현재

원주환경청 [한강상류 녹조포럼] 강원분과장


2001 – 현재

강원도 환경분쟁조정위원회 위원


1998 – 현재

춘천시 도시계획위원회 위원



New York University, Research Professor


1987 – 1989

KIST, Genetic Engineering Center, Research Scientist 

연구 및 저서

- 주요 연구주제 :

상수도 미생물학(Drinking water microbiology)

미생물-금속 상호작용(Metal-microbes interactions)

환경오염물질의 생물학적 정화기술(Bioremediation of environmental pollutants)

휘발성유기화합물의 바이오필트레이션(Biofiltration of VOC)


- 연구 :

1) Growth kinetics and chlorine resistance of heterotrophic bacteria isolated from young biofilms formed on a model drinking water distribution system. 2015. Korean Journal of Microbiology 51(4): 355-363.


2) 기체상-생물막 여과 공법의 BTX 제거 공정 해석을 위한 1차원 동적 수치모델 개발. 2015. 대한환경공학회지 37(12): 686-695.

Microcystis aeruginosa에 대한 hydrotrope-combined copper의 생장 억제 및 독성 평가. 2015. Korean Journal of Microbioloogy 51(1): 7-13.


3) Inhibitory effects of 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone (HDMF) on acyl-homoserine lactone-mediated virulence factor production and biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. 2014. Journal of Microbiology 52(9): 734-742.


4) Characterization of quorum-quenching bacteria isolated from biofouled membrane used in reverse osmosis process. 2014. Korean Journal of Microbiology 50(2): 128-136.


5) Sorption behavior of heavy metals on poorly crystalline manganese oxides: roles of water conditions and light. 2014. Environmental Science- Processes and Impacts 16: 1519-1525.


6) Bacterial growth and carbon-to-phosphorus consumption in drinking water with different carbon and phosphorus levels. 2013. 대한상하수도학회지 27(6): 689-701.


7) Combined chlorite-monochloramine application for controlling nitrifying and heterotrophic bacteria in drinking water distribution system. 2013. Korean Journal of Microbiology 49(4): 321-327.


8) 수도관 재질에 형성된 초기 생물막 형성 미생물의 군집 특성. 2012. 대한상하수도학회지 26(6): 767-777.


9) Effect of fermentation conditions on biohydrogen production form lipid-rich food material. 2012. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37: 15062-15069.


- 저서 : 환경생태학. 2000. 도서출판 동화기술



ㆍ지오트리쿰 속 균주가 고정된 바이오필터 및 이를 이용한 메틸에틸케톤의 제거방법  2005.10.12  10-0522716

ㆍ바이오필터를 이용한 톨루엔, 메타크실렌 및 파라크실렌 증기의 제거방법 2006.06.29 10-0597611

ㆍ형광기질 혼합물을 이용하여 수도관 생물막을 정량하는 방법 2014.11.25 10-1467164

ㆍ음용수 분배 시스템에서 클로라이트와 클로라민을 조합한 소독 방법 

2015.12.02 10-1575656



ㆍAmerican Society of Microbiology





수상 :

ㆍ환경부장관 표창(2015)

ㆍMarquis Who’s Who 등재(2015)

ㆍ한림대학교 강의우수교원 표창(2010, 2011)

ㆍ한림대학교 교원업적평가 최우수교원 표창(2013)

  • 분야

    수처리공학, 막분리

  • 성명

    국문 박진용

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8502호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


ㆍ1989-1992   서울대학교 (Ph.D - 화학공학과)

ㆍ1987-1989   서울대학교 (공학석사 - 화학공학과)

ㆍ1983-1987   서울대학교 (공학사 - 화학공학과)


■ 교내

  • ㆍ1995-현재   환경생명공학과 조교수, 부교수, 교수
  • ㆍ2012-2013   환경생명공학과 학과장
  • ㆍ2011-2012   학생처장
  • ㆍ2009-현재   기후변화학협동과정(대학원) 주임교수
  • ㆍ2019-2021   대학평의원회 평의원
  • ㆍ2021-현재   대학원 기후·에너지협동과정 주임교수


■ 교외:

  • ㆍ2021-2022 (사)국회물포럼 제2기 이사
    ㆍ2020-2022 환경시설본부 평가·자문 외부위원
    ㆍ2020-현재  중소기업유통센터 공공구매제도 평가위원
    ㆍ2020-2022 Membranes (SCI급 국제학술지) Section Board Member
    ㆍ2020-2022 Membranes (SCI급 국제학술지) Editorial Board Member
    ㆍ2020-2023 World Association of Membrane Societies Steering Committee, AMS Treasurer
    ㆍ2020-현재 환경부 환경산업기술원 환경보건안전 분야 전문가 (환경: 수질)
    ㆍ2018-2018 Membranes (SCI급 국제학술지) Special Issue editor AMS11
    ㆍ2018-2020 제주특별자치도 건설기술심의위원회 위원 (상하수도) 
    ㆍ2018-현재 한국환경공단  기술자문위원회 위원
    ㆍ2017-2019 Aseanian Membrane Society 12, Conference chair
    ㆍ2016-현재 한국환경공단 환경시설 민자사업 평가위원회 위원
    ㆍ2003-현재 한국막학회 학술이사, 편집이사, 기획이사, 총무이사, 편집위원장, 전무이사, 감사, 부회장, 수석부회장, 회장(2021), 고문(2022-)
    ㆍ2009-2014 강원도 산업단지계획심의위원회 심의위원 (하폐수처리)
    ㆍ2006-현재 한국산업기술진흥협회 신기술(NET) 인증 심사위원
    ㆍ2004-현재 환경부 환경산업기술원 환경신기술평가 심의위원 (하폐수처리)
    ㆍ2002-현재 강원지역환경기술센터 환경홈닥터
    ㆍ2001-2003 Dept. of Civil & Environ. Eng., U. of California at L.A. 방문연구교수
    ㆍ1993-1995 Center for Polymer Research, U. of Texas at Austin, Postdoctoral fellow
    ㆍ1991-1993 KIST 분리막 연구실 연구원

연구 및 저서

1) "Optimal water backwashing condition in combined water treatment of alumina microfiltration and PP beads", Hyungmin Cho, Gihoon Yoon, Minjae Kim, Jin Yong Park, Membranes, Vol.12(1), 92 (2022.01). MDPI DOI: doi.org/10.3390/membranes12010092 (2021 impact factor: 4.562) Q1 (Polymer Science)


2) "The function of adsorption, photo-oxidation, and humic acid using air backwashing in integrated water treatment of multichannel ceramic MF and PP particles", Sangwoo Park, Dongyeop Kim, Jin Yong Park, Membranes, Vol.10(2), 28 (2020.02). MDPI DOI: 10.3390/membranes10020028 (2020 impact factor: 4.106) Q1 (Polymer Science)


3) "The role of humic acid, PP beads, and pH with water backwashing in a hybrid water treatment of multichannel alumina microfiltration and PP beads", Sungju Hwang, Yooju Lee, Jin Yong Park, Membranes, Vol.10(1), 3 (2020.01). MDPI DOI: 10.3390/membranes10010003 (2020 impact factor: 4.106) Q1 (Polymer Science)


4) "Roles of polypropylene beads and pH in hybrid water treatment of carbon fiber membrane and PP beads with water back-flushing", Sungwon Song, Yungsik Park, Jin Yong Park, Membrane Water Treatment, Vol.10(2), pp.155-163 (2019.03). Techno press DOI: 10.12989/mwt.2019.10.2.155 (2019 impact factor: 3.094)


5) "Effect of pH and polypropylene beads in hybrid water treatment process of alumina ceramic microfiltration and PP beads with air back-flushing and UV irradiation", Jin Yong Park, Seunghwa Song, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol.26(2), pp.1142-1151  (2019.01). Springer DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9635-8 (2019 impact factor: 3.094)


6) "Roles of adsorption and photo-oxidation in hybrid water treatment process of tubular carbon fiber ultrafiltration and PP beads with UV irradiation and water back-flushing", Yua Park, Jin Yong Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.61, pp.20-28 (2017.01). Desalination Publications DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2016.1740  (2016 impact factor: 1.631)


7) "Roles of organic matters, photo-oxidation and adsorption in the hybrid water treatment process of multi-channel ceramic MF and photocatalyst-loaded PES beads", Bolor Amarsanaa, Jin Yong Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.58, pp.376-384 (2017.01). Desalination Publications DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2017.11430 (2016 impact factor: 1.631)


8) "Roles of polypropylene beads and photo-oxidation in hybrid water treatment process of alumina MF and photocatalyst-coated PP beads", Na Young Kim, Jin Yong Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.58, pp.368-375 (2017.01). Desalination Publications DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2017.11429 (2016 impact factor: 1.631)


9) "Hybrid water treatment process of carbon fiber microfiltration and photocatalyst-coated polypropylene beads: roles of humic acid, photo-oxidation, and adsorption", Da Young An, Jin Yong Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.57, pp.26595-26605 (2016.11). Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2016.1189696 (2015 impact factor: 


■ 수상

  • ㆍ한국막학회 논문상 (2014)
  • ㆍ한국막학회 논문상 (2010)
  • 분야

    상하수도공학, 생물학적 폐수고도처리 폐수 및 슬러지로부터 질소. 인 회수

  • 성명

    국문 김동진

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8503호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


ㆍ1990 KAIST 화학공학과 (박사)

ㆍ1987 KAIST 화학공학과 (석사)

ㆍ1985 연세대학교 화학공학과 (학사)


■교내 :

ㆍ2008 ~ 현재 에너지환경연구소장

ㆍ2018 ~ 2020 자연과학대학장

ㆍ2022 ~ 2024 한림대학교 특훈교원



■교외 :

ㆍCalifornia Institute of Technology (Postdoctoral Fellow)


ㆍKIST 연구원


ㆍSK건설 (책임연구원, Project Manager)


ㆍAdvanced Water Management Centre, The University of Queensland (ARC Fellow)


ㆍUniversity of Technology Sydney (Visiting Professor)


ㆍGuest Editor: Bioresource Technology, International Journal of Biodeterioration and Biodegradation


ㆍ대한상하수도학회 부위원장 및 상하수도학회지 편집위원장

연구 및 저서

Google Scholar


■ 논문 (지난 5년간)

“Enhanced phosphorus bioavailability and heavy metal removal from sewage sludge ash through thermochemical treatment with chlorine donors”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 58 (2018) 216–221.


"Trends of thermochemical technology for the recovery of phosphorus from sewage sludge ash", Clean Technology, 24: 87-98 (2018)


"Trends of phosphorus recovery technology from sewage sludge ash by wet chemical method", J. Kor. Soc. Water and Wastewater, 31: 131-143 (2018). 


“Mechanistic insights into nature of complexation between aluminum and phosphates in polyaluminum chloride treated sludge for sustainable phosphorus recovery”, J. Ind. Eng. Chem. 71, 425-434(2019). 


“Effect of pH on phosphorus (P) dissolution and recovery from polyaluminum chlorides (PAC) sludge”, J. Environ. Manage. 239, 142-149 (2019). 
“Struvite production from food processing wastewater and incinerated sewage sludge ash as an alternative N and P source: Optimization of multiple resources recovery by response surface methodology”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 126, 242-249 (2019). 


“Facile synthesis and characterization of nanocomposite Au0(NPs)/titanium dioxide: Photocatalytic degradation of Alizarin Yellow”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 82, 153-163 (2020). 

“Maximizing ammonium and phosphate recovery from food wastewater and incinerated sewage sludge ash by optimal Mg dose with RSM”, JIEC, 86, 136-143 (2020). 


"Phosphate adsorption/desorption kinetics and P bioavailability of Mg-biochar from ground coffee waste", Journal of Water Process Engineering, 37, 101484 (2020).


“Role of nanocomposite materials in the development of electrochemical sensors for arsenic: Past, present and future“, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 877, 114630 (2020). 


“Simultaneous recovery of phosphorus and nitrogen from sewage sludge ash and food wastewater as struvite by Mg-biochar”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 403, 123704, (2021) 


“Recovery of ammonium and phosphate as struvite via integrated hydrolysis and incineration of sewage sludge”, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 39, 101697, (2021). 


“New insights in photocatalytic removal of Alizarin Yellow using reduced Ce3+/TiO2 catalyst”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 8373–8383 (2021). 


“Phosphate removal using thermally regenerated Al adsorbent from drinking water treatment sludge”, Environmental Research, 196, 110877 (2021).  


“Graphene based advanced materials in the remediation of aquatic environment contaminated with fluoride: Newer insights and applicability”, Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 165, 108428, (2021).

“Indigenously Synthesized Nanocomposite Materials: Use of Nanocomposite as Novel Sensing Platform for Trace Detection of Pb2+”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 897, 115578, (2021).


“Recovery of aluminum from water treatment sludge for phosphorus removal by combined calcination and extraction”, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 103, 195-204 (2021). 


“Efficient and selective use of functionalized material in the decontamination of water: removal of emerging micro-pollutants from aqueous wastes”, Environmental Technology, published online (2021). 


“Synthesis of high quality boehmite and γ-alumina for phosphorus removal from water works sludge by extraction and hydrothermal treatment”, Environmental Research, 212, Part C, 113448 (2022).


Guest Editor: Bioresource Technology, International Journal of Biodeterioration and Biodegradation

  • 분야

    토양복원, 환경화학

  • 성명

    국문 김헌기

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8504호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


1996-1998 U.Florida (Ph.D - 환경공학)

1994-1996 U.Florida (M.S - 토양수실학)

1982-1989 연세대학교 (이학사 - 화학학)


교내 :

2016-현재 환경생명공학과장

2010-2012 창업보육센터소장


교외 :

한화그룹중앙연구소 주임연구원

연구 및 저서

Google Scholar


연구 :

1) H. Kim, D. Ahn, M.D. Annable, Enhanced removal of VOCs from aquifers during air sparging using thickeners and surfactants: Bench-scale experiments. J. Contam. Hydrol., 2016. 184, 25-34.

2) J. Kim, H. Kim, M.D. Annable, Changes in air flow patterns using surfactants and thickeners during air sparging: Bench-scale experiments. J. Contam. Hydrol., 2015. 172, 1-9.

3) H. Kim, H. Yang, J. Kim, Standardization of the reducing power of zero-valent iron using iodine. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A, 2014. 49, 514-523.

4) Surfactant-enhanced ozone sparging for removal of organic compounds from sand. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A, 2013. 48, 526-533.

5) Measurement of air and VOC vapor fluxes during gas-driven soil remediation: Bench-scale experiments. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2012. 46, 9533-9540.


저서 :

1) ⌜환경위해성평가⌟공저(동화기술,2001)

2) ⌜환경분석화학⌟공저(동화기술,2001)

  • 분야

    환경산화공정, 환경에너지융합기술

  • 성명

    국문 김정원

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8508호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


2005. 3-2011. 2, 포항공과대학교 환경공학부(박사)


1998. 3-2005. 2, 경북대학교 환경공학과(학사)



2021. 3-2025. 2, 한림대학교 특훈교원



2019. 3 – 2020. 2, University of California, Irvine, 지구시스템과학과, 방문교수

2012. 1 – 2013. 2, California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), 환경과학 및 공학과, 박사후 연구원

2011. 3 – 2011. 12, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), 환경∙에너지 기술 연구소, 박사후 연구원

  • 분야

    기후변화, 대기해양관측

  • 성명

    국문 박기태 영문 Ki-Tae Park

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    생명과학관 8508호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


2006-2013, 포항공과대학교 환경공학부 (박사)

1999-2006, 한양대학교 화학공학과 (학사)


2024~현재, 한림대학교 환경생명공학과 부교수 (기후변화융합전공 겸임)

2015~2023, 극지연구소 선임연구원('15~'22)/책임연구원 ('22~'23)

2020~2023, 과학기술연합대학원대학교(UST) 극지연구소 캠퍼스 부교수

2013~2015, 포항공과대학교 환경연구소 박사후 연구원


Polar Science (ELSEVIER) 부편집자(Associate Editor) (2023~현재)

북극 니알슨과학운영자위원회 (Ny-Ålesund Science Managers Committee) 멤버 (2021~2023)

국제북극과학위원회 (International Arctic Science Committee) 대기과학분과 멤버

국제해양연구위원회 (Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research) 워킹그룹 멤버

해양수산부장관 표창 (2022)

과학기술정보통신부 표창 (2022)

과학기술연합대학원대학교 (UST) 우수강의상 (2022)

극지연구소 우수 직원 표창 (2021)

극지연구소 이달의 과학자상 (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016)

한국해양학회 젊은 과학자상 (2018)

콘텐츠 담당자 : 환경생명공학과

  • 전화번호 :033-248-2150
  • e-Mail :de2150@hallym.ac.kr