• 논문
″상호소통형 낭독 방식을 토대로 한 영어교수법의 효과 분석″ [영어어문교육, KCI등재, 단독, 2022]
″English [V NP into V-ing] Construction: A Resultative Analysis″ [언어연구, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2021]
″중등영어교사 임용시험 출제 내용분석: 2009-2021학년도 영어교육 분야 문항 중심으로″ [언어과학, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2021]
Yook, C., & Kim, Y. (2021). Englih [V NP into V-ing] Construction: A Resultative Analysis. The Journal of Studies in Language, 36(4), 565-576.
″An Evaluation of Sri Lankan English Textbooks: With a Focus on Interethnic Communiative
Competence″ [언어과학, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2020]
″Relative Strength of Influence of Five Factors Involved in Korean Learners’ Choice of English Ditransitive Constructions″ [영어어문교육, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2020]
″장애를 다룬 아동/청소년 영문학을 이용한 영어교육에 대한 고찰″ [영미어문학, KCI등재, 단독, 2019]
″카카오톡을 이용한 영어 학습 가능성과 실제″ [영미어문학, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2018]
″On “Between you and I” and other similar case anomalies″ [영어학연구, KCI등재, 공동(책임/1저자), 2018]
″University students reaction to an ESP writing course″ [영미어문학, KCI등재, 공동(책임/1저자), 2018]
″Reconsideration of Communicative Language Teaching for the Korean EFL context″ [영미어문학, KCI등재, 공동(책임/1저자), 2017]
″A functional account for the productivity of English -er nominals″ [Linguistic Research, SCOPUS, 공동(책임/1저자), 2016]
″Belief and strategies of college EFL students for vocabulary learning″ [영미어문교육, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2016]
″A multifactorial analysis of English dative alternations in Korean EFL learners' writings″ [영어교육, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2016]
"Korean EFL teachers’ perceptions of the impsct of EFL teacher education upon their classroom teaching practices" [Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, SCOPUS, 공동(제1), in press]
"Culture teaching, World Englishes, and the College Scholastic Aptitude Test." [영어교육연구, KCI등재, 공동(제1), 2016]
"Factors involved in Korean EFL learners’ choice of English dative constructions" [English Teaching, KCI등재, 공동(교신), 2015]
"World Englishes and culture teaching in the Korean EFL context" [영어어문교육, KCI등재, 공동(제1), 2015]
"The significance of teacher's perceptions of reforms in English language education" [영어어문교육, KCI등재, 단독, 2014]
"Recent trends in contrastive rhetoric and their pedagogical implications for ESL/EFL writing instruction" [현대문법연구, KCI등재, 단독, 2014]
"Reading in a second language and the significance of background knowledge: A review" [영미어문학, KCI등재, 단독, 2013]
"The role and effectiveness of grammar instruction in second Language acquisition" [현대문법연구, KCI등재, 단독, 2013]
"The role of speaker identification in Korean university students’ attitudes towards five varieties of English" [Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, SSCI, 주저자, 2013]
"The role of frequency in Korean learners’ acquisition of English dative construction" [영어교육, KCI등재, 단독, 2013]