글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
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글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
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글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
글로벌 일류 대학을 향한 한림의
중장기 비전과 연차별 실천 전략
(Vision & Action 2016~2022 /
Vision & Action 2018~)
글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
국문 김동현
의학관 5층 3510
1993-1997 서울대학교 역학(Epidemiology) 박사
1990-1991 Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 보건학 석사
1980-1987 서울대학교 의과대학 의학 학,석사
2022.6~현재 국가 감염병위기대응자문위원회 위원
2021.10~2022.6 단계적 일상회복지원위원회(경제민생분과) 위원
2021.5~현재 보건복지부 손실보상심의위원회 위원
2021.3~현재 강원도 감염병관리위원회 위원장
2020.6~현재 강원도 통합건강증진사업지원단 단장
2020.4~현재 보건복지부 생활방역위원회 위원
2020.4~현재 질병관리청 감염병위기관리전문위원회 위원
2020.4~현재 질병관리청 백신분야 전문가 자문위원회 위원
2018~현재 한림대학교 의과대학 보건과학대학원장
2018~2020 대한민국 역학 학회장
1999~2001 하버드대학교 보건대학원 교환교수
1995~현재 한림대학교 의과대학 교수
1992~1995 서울대학교 의과대학 예방의학 전공의
1989~1990 US Army Medical Research Unit-Republic of Korea 역학 분야 연구원
Folate, alcohol, ADH1B and ALDH2 and colorectal cancer risk, [Public Health Nutrition, SCI급 ,교신 ,2020]
Understanding and interpretation of case fatality rate of coronavirus disease 2019, [Journal of Korean Medical Science, SCI급 ,교신 ,2020]
Absence of pain in subjects with advanced radiographic knee osteoarthritis, [BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, SCI급 ,공동(참여) ,2020]
Identification of novel loci and new risk variant in known loci for colorectal cancer risk in East Asians, [CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION, SCI급 ,공동(참여) ,2020]
Red meat intake, CYP2E1 and PPARγ polymorphisms, and colorectal cancer risk, [Europena J Cancer Prevention, SCI급 ,공동(참여) ,2019]
Large-Scale Genome-Wide Association Study of East Asians Identifies Loci Associated With Risk for Colorectal Cancer, [GASTROENTEROLOGY, SCI급 ,공동(참여) ,2019]
지역 간 건강수준 및 건강행태 변이요인 연구 : 지역사회건강조사와 지역 특성 연계자료를 기반으로, [대한보건연구, KCI ,교신 ,2017]
지역사회건강조사의 자가보고 키, 몸무게 그리고 체질량지수의 정확성, [Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics, KCI ,교신 ,2017]
Identification of pleiotropic genetic variants affecting osteoporosis risk in a Korean elderly cohort, [Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, SCI급 ,공동(참여) ,2017]
Relationships between cognitive function and body composition among community dwelling older adults: a cross-sectional study, [BMC Geriatrics, SCI급 ,공동(교신) ,2017]
지역사회기반 공중보건정책 강화방안, [보건행정학회지, KCI ,단독 ,2016]
Gender Differences in Sleep Disturbance among Elderly Koreans: Hallym Aging Study, [Journal of Korean Medical Science, SCI급 ,교신 ,2016]
Evaluation Study on the Effectiveness of Suicide Prevention Program among the Elderly Living Alone?Case of Nowon-gu, Seoul, [Korean Public Health Research, KCI ,교신 ,2016]
Quercetin intake, MATE1 polymorphism, and metabolic syndrome in Korean population: Hallym aging study, [Food Science and Biotechnology, KCI ,공동(참여) ,2016]
Identification of Susceptibility Loci and Genes for Colorectal Cancer Risk, [GASTROENTEROLOGY, SCI급 ,공동(참여) ,2016]
Body Composition, Sarcopenia, and Suicidal Ideation in Elderly Koreans: Hallym Aging Study, [Journal of Korean Medical Science, SCI급 ,공동(참여) ,2016]
Cohort Profile: The Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES) Consortium, [Int J Epidemiol, SCI급 ,공동(참여) ,2016]
The prevalence of periarticular lesions detected on magnetic resonance imaging in middle-aged and elderly persons: a cross-sectional study, [BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, SCI급 ,공동(참여) ,2016]
Structural factors of the Middle East respiratory syndrome Coronavirus outbreak as a public health crisis in Korea and future response strategies. (J Prev Med Public Health, 2015)
Relationship between Metabolic Syndrome and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: Hallym Aging Study (BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2015)
Trend of suicide rates according to urbanity among adolescents by gender and suicide method in Korea, 1997-2012 International (Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2015)
Gender differences in adiponectin levels and body composition in older adults: (Hallym aging studyBMC Geriatrics, 2014)
Effect of interactions between genetic polymorphisms and cigarette smoking on plasma triglyceride levels in elderly Koreans: (The Hallym Aging StudyGenes and Genomics, 2014)
Cohort Profile: Community-based prospective cohort from the National Cancer Center, Korea Int (J Epidemiol, 2015)
Vegetable intake, but not fruit intake, was associated with a reduction in the risk of cancer incidence and mortality in middle-aged Koran men (J Nutrition, 2015)
A genome-wide association study of copy-number variation identifies putative loci associated with osteoarthritis in Koreans. (BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2015)
Household and area income levels are associated with smoking status in the Korean adult population (BMC Public Health, 2015)
Large-scale genetic study in East Asians identifies six new loci associated with colorectal cancer risk (NATURE GENETICS, 2014)
Genetic risk assessment for cardiovascular disease with seven genes associated with plasma C-reactive protein concentrations in Asian (populationsHypertension Research, 2014)
Genome-wide association study identifies a new SMAD7 risk variant associated with colorectal cancer risk in East (AsiansInternational Journal of Cancer, 2014)
Population-Attributable Causes of Cancer in Korea: Obesity and Physical (InactivityPLOS ONE, 2014)
Association between BMI, Smoking, and Alcohol with Prostate Cancer Mortality in the Asia Cohort ConsortiumAmerican (J Epidemiology, 2014)
1. 자살예방을 위한 코호트 구축 연구
2. 지역사회 건강수준 평가연구
3. 지역사회기반 노인연구: 한림노년연
4. 유전체 코호트 구축사업: 검진자코호트 구축
5. 시료은행 구축
1. 한국 역학회
2. 대한 예방의학회
3. Society for Epidemiology Research
4. Gerontological Society of America
콘텐츠 담당자 : 보건과학대학원