



  • 분야

    응집물질 분광학, 디스플레이 및 조명, 고압물리

  • 성명

    국문 고재현

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    공학관 1243호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


2000 : 한국과학기술원 (이학박사-물리학과)

1996 : 한국과학기술원 (이학석사-물리학과)

1992 : 서울대학교(학사-물리학과)


■ 교내경럭

2017 ~ 2018 : 특훈교수

2014. 2 ~ 2016. 2. 28 : 한림대학교 전자물리학과 학과장

2013. 9 ~ 현재 : 한림대학교 전자물리학과 교수

2008. 9 ~ 2013. 8 : 한림대학교 전자물리학과 부교수

2004 ~ 2008. 8 : 한림대학교 전자물리학과 조교수


■ 사회경력

2004. 9 ~ 2007. 6 : 삼성코닝 (주) 기술고문

2003 ~ 2004 : 삼성코닝 (주) 연구소 백라이트유닛 PJT 책임연구원

2000 ~ 2003 : University of Tsukuba (Ibaraki, Japan), Research Associate

연구 및 저서

Google Scholar


■ 주요 논문 (최근)


  • S. C. Hong et al., “Improvement of color-rendering characteristics of white light emitting diodes by using red quantum dot films”, Current Applied Physics 31 (2021) 199–207.
  • F. Al. H. Naqvi et al., “Anomalous changes in the acoustic properties and central peak behaviors of PbxBa1−xNb2O6 single crystals with x = 0.5 studied by Brillouin spectroscopy”, J. Appl. Phys. 128, 184102 (2020). 
  • J. W. Lee et al., “Complete determination of elastic stiffness coefficients and local symmetry breaking in the paraelectric barium titanate”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 072901 (2019). 
  • J. -G. Lee et al., “Realization of specific illuminance distributions of OLED lightings using inverted microlens films”, JOURNAL OF INFORMATION DISPLAY, 2018, VOL. 19, NO. 3, 121–127.  
  • J. W. Lee et al., “Temperature Dependence of the Elastic Properties of Bio Silk Films Crystallized in a Water Vapor or Ethanol Environment”, New Physics: Sae Mulli, Vol. 67, No. 8, August 2017, pp. 922-928.



■ 저술


[세계일보]에 과학칼럼 연재(2012년2월 ~ 2013년 1월, 2015년2월~2016년1월, 2017년 11월~2019년2월)


[한국일보]에 과학칼럼 연재 (2005년4월7일~2006년8월8일, 2020년8월~현재)


[강원도민일보] 도민시론 연재 (2008년 8월 ~ 2009년 1월)


공저: Jae-Hyeon Ko, “EEFL Backlight” in [LCD Backlights] (pp.129~146, edited by Kobayashi, Mikoshiba, and Lee, Wiley SID series in Display Technology)


공저: I. Hwang and J.-H. Ko, “LCD Backlights” in [Flat Panel Display Manufacturing] (pp.87-114, edited by Souk, Morozumi, Luo and Bita, Wiley SID series in Display Technology) 
저서: [빛 쫌 아는 10대](풀빛), [전자기 쫌 아는 10대](풀빛), [빛의 핵심](사이언스북스), 



■ 학회 활동

  • 2021 ~ 현재: 한국물리학회 새물리(New Physics: Saemulli) 편집위원장
  • 2017 ~ 2018 : 한국물리학회 물리대중화특별위원회 실무이사 
  • 2015 ~ 2020 : 한국물리학회 홍보지(물리학과 첨단기술) 편집위원 
  • 2015 ~ 현재 : Journal of Advanced Dielectrics Board Member   
  • 2017 :  한국정보디스플레이학회 광원연구회 회장  
  • 2009 ~ 2010 : 한국물리학회 새물리 편집위원회 부실무이사   
  • 2007 ~ 2012 : 한국광학회 디스플레이분과 간사   
  • 2007 ~ 2010 : 한국광학회 영문지 (Journal of the Optical Society of Korea) 편집위원
  • 2008 ~ 2016 : 한국정보디스플레이학회 광원연구회 간사   
  • 2008 ~ 현재 : 한국정보디스플레이학회 영문지(Journal of Information Display) Associate editor


■ 수상 

○ 2018년 제28회 과학기술우수논문상 수상

○ 2016년 한국광학회 JOSK AWARD (국문지 부분)

○ 2014년 한국물리학회 논문 인용 피인용상 

○ 2013년 한국물리학회 논문상

○ 2013년 한국광학회 JOSK AWARD (국문지 부분)

○ 2011년 한국물리학회 계원상

○ 2010년 한국정보디스플레이학회 JID 우수논문상

○ 2010년 한림대학교 학술상 (자연과학부문) 


  • 분야


  • 성명

    국문 박두재

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    공학관 1254

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


2002.9-2008.8 서울대학교(이학박사)

2000.5-2002.8 서울대학교(이학석사)

1996.5-2000.2 서울대학교(이학사)




2015. 한림대학교 조교수 임명.



2013.1-2015.2 :Research professor

Sungkyunkwan University Department of Energy Science Center for intergrated nanistructure physics

2010.4-2012.10 PostDoc Position Carlvon Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg Department of Physics .C. Lienau Germany Oldenburg

연구 및 저서

  • 분야

    표면 분석, 게임물리학, 전산 물리학

  • 성명

    국문 이종완

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    공학관 1241

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


1988 ~ 1993 독일 뮌헨대학교(이학박사-물리학)

1985 ~ 1988 독일 뮌헨대학교(이학석사-물리학)

1981 ~ 1985 서울대학교(이학사-물리학)


■ 교내주요 경력

- 2012~2014 전자물리학과장

- 2007~2008 전자물리학과장


■ 사회경력

- LG종합기술원 소자재료연구원 책임연구원

- 재독 한국과학기술자 협회 총무

연구 및 저서

■ 연구
- Internal force model for the conservation of linear momentum in simulations of an explosion of a system of particles, New Physics: Sae Mulli (2015)
- 골프공의 스핀 벡터 분석을 통한 임펙트시 클럽헤드의 방향과 방위의 예측 방법, 특허 등록 제10-1531674호 (2015)
- Simulation study on the effect of the emitter orientation and photonic crystals on the outcoupling efficiency of organic light-emitting diodes, J. of the Optical Society of Korea (2014)
- Defect states of transition metal-doped MgO for secondary electron emission of plasma display panel, J. of Information Display (2014)
- New approach for simulation of large cluster impact using smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, Surface and Interface Analysis (2014)
- 골프 공의 스핀 벡터 분석을 통한 임펙트시 클럽헤드의 방향과 방위의 예측, 새물리 (2014)
- 쌍극자 광원의 진동방향, Mie 산란자, 그리고 Pillow 렌즈가 OLED의 광추출효율에 미치는 영향에 대한 시뮬레이션 연구, 한국광학회지 (2014)
- 게임물리학 교수학습 자료의 개발, 새물리 (2013)
- Effect of C and H contamination on the MgO surface properties studied using the first-principles method, J. of Information Display (2013)

  • 분야


  • 성명

    국문 장문규

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    자연과학관 7516호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일



한국과학기술원 (이학박사-물리학과)



한국과학기술원 (이학석사-물리학과)



경북대학교 (이학사-물리학과)



2018. 9. 1 ~ 현재 : 나노융합스쿨학장


2017 ~ 현재 : 창업교육센터장


2014 - 현재 : 한림대학교 나노융합스쿨 교수



과학기술연합대학원대학교 차세대소자공학과 겸임교수 (전공책임교수)



한국전자통신연구원 정보통신부품소재연구소 실장 (책임연구원)


1997-2001 : ㈜SK Hynix 책임연구원

연구 및 저서

- 나노공정 및 소자(쇼트키 트랜지스터, 단전자 트랜지스터, 그래핀 소자, MoS2 소자)

- 실리콘 열전 소재 및 소자

- 바이오 센서



- 주요 논문

: Jung Hyun Oh, MoongyuJang (Corresponding), Hanchul Kim, S. E. Moon, Mincheol Shin, , “Suppression of phonon transport in multiple Si/PtSi heterostructures”, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 245102, 2015.

: Wonchul Choi, Dongseok Jun, Soojung Kim, Mincheol Shin and Moongyu Jang (corresponding), “Thermoelectric Characteristics of Pt-Silicide/Silicon Multi-layer Structured p-type Silicon”, Energy, 82, 180, 2015.

: Hyojin Jeon, Bae Ho Park, and Moongyu Jang (corresponding), “Carrier transport property of Bilayer Graphene by Hall Measurement, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, 15, 7482, 2015.

: Dongsuk Jun, Soojung Kim, Wonchul Choi, Junsoo Kim, Taehyoung Zyung and Moongyu Jang (corresponding), “Silicide/silicon hetero-junction structure for thermoelectric applications”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15, 7472, 2015.

: Soojung Kim, Wonchul Choi, Taehyoung Zyung, and MoongyuJang (corresponding), “Thermoelectric properties of 50 nm wide n- and p- type silicon nanowires”, Applied Physics A, 120, 265, 2015. 


- 학회활동

: 한국물리학회 정회원, 한국진공학회 평의원, 미국 재료학회 회원

: 2016 ISPSA 프로그램 공동 위원장

: 2015 – 현재 진공이야기 편집위원

: 2014 – 현재 한국물리학회 반도체 분과위원

: 2014 NanoKorea Conference nanoelectronics and circuits session 분과 공동위원장

: 2014 ISPSA 에너지분과 위원장

: 2013 NanoKorea Conference nanoelectronics and circuits 분과 위원장

: 2013 - 현재 ISPSA 운영위원

: 2013 - 현재 Nanoconvergence 편집위원

: 2010 - 현재 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology guest 편집위원

: 2010 - 현재 나노코리아 프로그램 위원

: 2009 – 2012 한국물리학회지 편집위원



  • 분야

    나노구조 및 소자

  • 성명

    국문 이종민 영문 Jong-Min Lee 중문 李鐘珉

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    산학협력관 22411-2호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


◦ 2009-2016 충남대학교 (이학박사-물리학과)
◦ 2007-2009 충남대학교 (이학석사-물리학과)
◦ 2003-2007 충남대학교 (이학사-물리학과)


◦ 2021-현재 한림대학교 나노융합스쿨 조교수
◦ 2017-2021 부산대학교 BIT융합기술연구소 박사후연구원

연구 및 저서

Google Scholar


◦ “Neural Mechanism Mimetic Selective Electronic Nose based on Programmed M13 Bacteriophage,” Jong-Min Lee†, Vasanthan Devaraj†, Na-Na Jeong†, Yujin Lee, Ye-Ji Kim, Taehyeong Kim, Seung Heon Yi, Won-Geun Kim, Eun Jung Choi, Hyun-Min Kim, Chulhun L Chang, Chuanbin Mao, Jin-Woo Oh. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 196, 113567 (2022)


◦ “Programmable self-assembly of M13 bacteriophage for micro-color pattern with a tunable colorization,” Thanh Mien Nguyen, Won-Geun Kim, Hyun-Ju Ahn, Minjun Kim, Young Do Kim, Vasanthan Devaraj, Ye-Ji Kim, Yujin Lee, Jong-Min Lee*, Eun Jung Choi*, Jin-Woo Oh.* RSC Advances 11, 32305 (2021)


◦ “Engineering Efficient Self-Assembled Plasmonic Nanostructures by Configuring Metallic Nanoparticle’s Morphology,” Vasanthan Devaraj†, Jong-Min Lee†, Ye-Ji Kim, Hyuk Jeong, Jin-Woo Oh. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22, 10595 (2021)


◦ “Recent Trends in Exhaled Breath Diagnosis Using an Artificial Olfactory System,” Chuntae Kim, Iruthayapandi Selestin Raja, Jong-Min Lee, Jong Ho Lee, Moon Sung Kang, Seok Hyun Lee, Jin-Woo Oh, Dong-Wook Han. Biosensors 11, 337 (2021)


◦ “A DNA-derived Phage Nose using Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Processing for Diagnosing Lung Cancer,” Jong-Min Lee†, Eun-Jung Choi†, Jae Heun Chung†, Ki-wook Lee†, Seong Hoon Yoon, Hee Yun Seol, Yujin Lee, Ye-Ji Kim, Won-Geun Kim, Vasanthan Devaraj, Jong Seong Ha, Donghan Lee, Sang-Mo Kwon, Yun Seong Kim, Chulhun L. Chang, Jin-Woo Oh. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 194, 113567 (2021).


◦ “Investigation of colorimetric biosensor array based on programable surface chemistry of M13 bacteriophage towards artificial nose for volatile organic compound detection: From basic properties of the biosensor to practical application,” Jong-Min Lee†, Yujin Lee†, Vasanthan Devaraj†, Thanh Mien Nguye, Ye-Ji Kim, You Hwan Kim, Chuntae Kim, Eun Jung Choi, Dong-Wook Han, Jin-Woo Oh, Biosensors & Bioelectronics 188, 113339 (2021).


◦ “Optical Bioelectronic Nose of Outstanding Sensitivity and Selectivity Toward Volatile Organic Compounds Implemented with Genetically Engineered Bacteriophage: Integrated Study of Multi-Scale Computational Prediction and Experimental Validation,” JungYun Park†, Jong-Min Lee†, Hoje Chun, Sung Jun Hong, Hyunwook Jung, Ye-Ji Kim, Won-Geun Kim, Vasanthan Devaraj, Eun Jung Choi, Jin-Woo Oh, Byungchan Han, Biosensors & Bioelectronics 177, 112979 (2021)


◦ “M13 Bacteriophage-templated Gold Nanowires as Stretchable Electrodes in Perovskite Solar Cells,” Jiye Han, Jeong-Seok Nam, Kyusun Kim, Eun Jung Choi, Jong-Min Lee, Shigeo Maruyama, Il Jeon, Jin-Woo Oh, Materials Advances 2, 488-496 (2021)


◦ “Nanogenerators facilitated piezoelectric and flexoelectric characterizations for bioinspired energy harvesting materials,” Yan Yan†, Won-Geun Kim†, Xiaoting Ma, Tirusew Tegafaw, Thanh Mien Nguyen, Jong-Min Lee, Eun-Jung Choi, Heesang Ahn, Sung-Hun Ha, Kyujung Kim, Jong-Man Kim, Hyung Kook Kim, Jin-Woo Oh, Yoon-Hwae Hwang, Dong-Myung Shin, Nano Energy 81, 105607 (2021)


◦ “High Quantum Efficiency and Stability of Biohybrid Nanojunctions in Bacteriophage-Perovskite Quantum Dots,” Jong-Min Lee†, Jin Woo Choi†, Il Jeon†, Ye Zhu, Tao Yang, Hoje Chun, Jongmoon Shin, Juyun Park, Joohee Bang, Kyounga Lim, Won-Geun Kim, Hyuk Jeong, Eun Jung Choi, Vasanthan Devaraj, Jeong-Seok Nam, Hyungju Ahn, Yong-Cheol Kang, Byungchan Han, Myungkwan Song, Jin-Woo Oh, Chuanbin Mao. Materials Today Nano 13, 100099 (2021).


◦ “A single bottom facet outperforms random multifacets in a nanoparticle-on-metallic-mirror system,” Vasanthan Devaraj†, Jong-Min Lee†, Samir Adhikari†, Minjun Kim, Donghan Lee, Jin-Woo Oh. Nanoscale 12, 22452 (2020).


◦ “Influence of cavity geometry towards plasmonic gap tolerance and respective near-field in nanoparticle-on-mirror,” Vasanthan Devaraj†, Jong-Min Lee†, Jin-Woo Oh. Curr. Appl. Phys. 20, 1335 (2020).


◦ “Large‐Area Virus Coated Ultrathin Colorimetric Sensors with a Highly Lossy Resonant Promoter for Enhanced Chromaticity,” Young Jin Yoo, Won‐Geun Kim, Joo Hwan Ko, Yeong Jae Kim, Yujin Lee, Stefan G. Stanciu, JongMin Lee, Seungchul Kim, Jin‐Woo Oh, Young Min Song. Advanced Science 7, 20000978 (2020).


◦ “Denatured M13 Bacteriophage-Templated Perovskite Solar Cells Exhibiting High Efficiency,” Hao-Sheng Lim, Jong-Min Lee, Jiye Han, Chang-Soo Lee, Shaun Tan, Hyuck Mo Lee, Michael S. Strano, Yang Yang, Shigeo Maruyama, Eun Jung Choi, Il Jeon, Yutaka Matsuo, Jin-Woo Oh. Advanced Science 7, 2000782 (2020).


◦ “Defining plasmonic cavity performance based on mode transitions to realize highly efficient device design ,” Vasanthan Devaraj, Jong-Min Lee, Donghan Lee, Jin-Woo Oh. Materials Advances 1, 139 (2020) [Back cover]


◦ “Shell isolated label-free Ag NPs@Si Architecture Based SERS Active Substrate: Hot Spot Evaluation by FDTD Simulations and DNA Detection at Single-Cell Level,” Thankaraj Salammal Sheena, Vasanthan Devarj, Jong-Min Lee, Perumalsamy Balaji, Paulraj Gnanasekar, Jin-Woo Oh, Mohammad Abdulkader Akbarsha, K. Jeganathan. Applied Surface Science 515, 145955 (2020).


◦ “Gap plasmon effect of a virus-templated nanoparticle assembly to enhance the performance of optoelectronic devices,” Hock Beng Lee, Won-Geun Kim, Miso Lee, Jong-Min Lee, Siwei He, Neetesh Kumar, Vasanthan Devaraj, Eun Jung Choi, Il Jeon, Myungkwan Song, Jin-Woo Oh, Jae-Wook Kang. Advanced Optical Materials 8, 1902080 (2020). [Cover]


◦ “Revealing plasmonic property similarities and differences between a nanoparticle on a metallic mirror and free space dimer nanoparticle,” Vasanthan Devaraj, Na-Na Jeong, Jong-Min Lee, Jong-Ryeul Sohn, Jin-Woo Oh. Journal of Korean Physical Society 75, 313-318 (2019).


◦ “Modifying plasmonic-field enhancement and resonance characteristics of spherical nanoparticles on metallic film: effects of faceting spherical nanoparticle morphology,” Vasanthan Devaraj, Hyuk Jeong, Chunate Kim, Jong-Min Lee, Jin-Woo Oh. Coatings 9, 387 (2019).


◦ “Improvement of high affinity and selectivity on biosensors using genetically engineered phage by binding isotherm screening,” Jong-Min Lee, Eun Jung Choi, Juyun Park, Vasanthan Devaraj, Chuntae Kim, Jiye Han, Won-Geun Kim, Kyujung Kim, Yong-Cheol Kang, Kwang Ho Kim, Jin-Woo Oh. Viruses 11, 248 (2019).


◦ “Dependences of the Near-field Characteristics of the Nano-gap Structures on the difference between Pentagonal and Circular Nano-wires: A Numerical Study,” Vasanthan Devaraj, Jong-Min Lee, Chuntae Kim, Won-Geun Kim, Jin-Woo Oh; New Phys. Sae Mulli, 69, 25 (2019).


◦ “Distinguishable Plasmonic Nanoparticle and gap Mode Properties in a Silver Nanoparticle on a Gold Film System Using Three-Dimensional FDTD Simulations,” Vasanthan Devaraj, Jong-Min Lee, Jin-Woo Oh; Nanomaterials 8(8), 582 (2018).


◦ “Fabrication of ultra-smooth 10nm silver films without wetting layer,” Vasanthan Devaraj, Jongmin Lee, Jongseo Baek, Donghan Lee; Appl. Sci. Converg. Technol. 25(2), 32 (2016).


◦ “Microscopic mechanism underlying double-state lasing in an InAs/GaAs quantum dot laser diode elucidated using coupled rate equations and the spontaneous emission recorded from a window structure,” J. M. Lee, B. H. Jeon, J. Kim, D. Lee; Optics Express 23 (2015).


◦ "Double-state Lasing from Semiconductor Quantum Dot Laser Diodes Caused by Slow Carrier Relaxation," Jongmin Lee, Donghan Lee; Journal of the Korean Physical Society 58 (2011)


◦ “Gain dynamics of an InAs/InGaAsP quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier operating at 1.5 um,” J. Park, N. J. Kim, Y. D. Jang, E. G. Lee, J. M. Lee, J. S. Baek, J. H. Kim, H. S. Lee, K. J. Yee, D. Lee, S. H. Pyun, W. G. Jeong, J. Kim; Applied Physics Letters 98 (2009)

+These authors contributed equally to this work.


▶ 주요연구분야
◦ 반도체 양자점 물성 및 광소자
◦ 바이오-나노 하이브리드 재료 및 소자 응용
◦ 3차원 나노공정 및 소자
◦ 인지과정 모방 바이오센서

▶ 학회활동

한국물리학회,한국광학회, 한국고분자학

  • 분야


  • 성명

    국문 박성수

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    공학관 1240호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


- 2011 - 2011 서울대학교 (행정대학원 국가정책과정 72기 수료)
- 1986 - 1992 KAIST (박사-재료공학과)
- 1984 - 1986 KAIST (석사-재료공학과)
- 1980 - 1984 연세대학교 (학사-금속공학과)


- 2022 - 현재 IEC SEG14 양자기술 국제표준화 컨비너
- 2021 – 현재 국가과학기술자문회의 양자특별위원회 위원
- 2019 - 2021 IEC 양자백서 발간 위원회 의장
- 2019 - 2020 국회양자정보통신 포럼
- 2016 - 현재 한국정보통신기술협회(TTA) 전략계획위원회 부의장
- 2006 - 2007 UC Irvine 방문연구원
- 2004 - 2008 과학기술연합대학원대학교(UST) 겸임교수
- 1993 - 2023 한국전자통신연구원 단장

연구 및 저서


2022.6.27. 과기정통부 장관표창 (Commendation by the Minister of Science and ICT)
2022.1.26. 과기정통부 장관 단체표창 (Group Commendation by the Minister of Science and ICT)
1999.12.31. 정통부 장관표창 (Commendation by the Minister of ICT)

  • 분야

    유/무기 전자 소자(유연/연신 소자)

  • 성명

    국문 윤영준

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    공학관 1244호

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


- 2008 - 2011 University of Durham(UK), School of Engineering (박사)
- 1998 - 2000 홍익대학교 (석사-전기제어공학과)
- 1994 - 1998 홍익대학교 (학부-전자전기제어공학부)


- 2023 - 현재 한림대학교 반도체·디스플레이스쿨 부교수
- 2016 - 2018 Stanford University (US), Chemical Engineering (Visiting Scholar)
- 2011 - 2023 삼성전자 종합기술원, Organic Material Lab. (Project Leader)
- 2005 - 2007 삼성 SDI 중앙연구소, CAE팀 (책임 연구원)

연구 및 저서

Google Scholar


- Dually crosslinkable SiO2@polysiloxane core–shell nanoparticles for flexible gate dielectric insulators, RSC advances (March 2017)


- Enhanced Performance of Thiophene-Rich Heteroacene, Dibenzothiopheno [6,5-b:6’,5’-f] Thieno[3,2-b]Thiophene Thin-Film Transistor With MoO x Hole Injection Layers, IEEE Electron Device Letters (March 2017)


- Thiophene-Thiazole-Based Semiconducting Copolymers for High-Performance Polymer Field-Effect Transistors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (October 2017) 


- Skin electronics from scalable fabrication of an intrinsically stretchable transistor array, Nature (March 2018)


- An integrated self-healable electronic skin system fabricated via dynamic reconstruction of a nanostructured conducting network, Nature Nanotechnology (November 2018)


- Densely cross-linked polysiloxane dielectric for organic thin-film transistors with enhanced electrical stability, Journal of Materials Chemistry C (May 2019) 


- Inkjet-printed stretchable and low voltage synaptic transistor array, Nature Communications (June 2019)


- A wireless body area sensor network based on stretchable passive tags, Nature Electronics (August 2019)


- Conjugated Carbon Cyclic Nanorings as Additives for Intrinsically Stretchable Semiconducting Polymers, Advanced Materials (September 2019)


- Stretchable self-healable semiconducting polymer film for active-matrix strain-sensing array, Science Advances (November 2019)


- Control of dielectric surface energy by dry surface treatment for high performance organic thin film transistor based on dibenzothiopheno[6,5- b :6′,5′- f ]thieno[3,2- b ]thiophene semiconductor, AIP Advances (February 2020)


- Fully stretchable active-matrix organic light-emitting electrochemical cell array, Nature Communications (July 2020)


- In-Depth Investigation of the Correlation between Organic Semiconductor Orientation and Energy-Level Alignment Using In Situ Photoelectron Spectroscopy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (September 2020)


- Strain-insensitive intrinsically stretchable transistors and circuits, Nature Electronics (February 2021)


- Standalone real-time health monitoring patch based on a stretchable organic optoelectronic system, Science Advances (June 2021)


- A design strategy for high mobility stretchable polymer semiconductors, Nature Communications (June 2021)


- A Design Strategy for Intrinsically Stretchable High-Performance Polymer Semiconductors: Incorporating Conjugated Rigid Fused-Rings with Bulky Side Groups, Journal of the American Chemical Society (July 2021)


- Stretchable PPG sensor with light polarization for physical activity-permissible monitoring, Science Advances (April 2022)


- Tuning the Mechanical and Electric Properties of Conjugated Polymer Semiconductors: Side-Chain Design Based on Asymmetric Benzodithiophene Building Blocks, Advanced Functional Materials (August 2022)


- Silent Speech Recognition with Strain Sensors and Deep Learning Analysis of Directional Facial Muscle Movement, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (November 2022)


- Strain‐Tolerant, High‐Detectivity, and Intrinsically Stretchable All‐Polymer Photodiodes, Advanced Functional Materials (January 2023)


- Advancements in Electronic Materials and Devices for Stretchable Displays, Advanced Materials Technologies (February 2023)


- Flexible biomimetic block copolymer composite for temperature and long-wave infrared sensing, Science Advances (February 2023) 


- Analyzing Acceptor-like State Distribution of Solution-Processed Indium-Zinc-Oxide Semiconductor Depending on the In Concentration, Nanomaterials (July 2023)


Oct 2008-Sep 2010

Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS) Scholarship from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), UK

PhD Scholarship Award from the School of Engineering, University of Durham, UK


Sep 2006

The Best Research Engineer 2006 at Corporate R&D Center of Samsung SDI

  • 분야

    반도체 소자 공학

  • 성명

    국문 박재훈

  • 직위


  • 연구실

    공학관 1238

  • 연락처


  • 이메일


1994-2000 홍익대학교(공학사-전자전기제어공학과)

2000-2002 홍익대학교(공학석사-전기정보제어공학과)

2002-2007 홍익대학교(공학박사-전기정보제어공학과)


2023.09- 현재 반도체·디스플레이스쿨 전공주임교수

2021.6-2023.8 스마트IoT 전공주임교수

2013.11-2014.10 전자공학과 책임교수

2011-2013 한국전자통신연구원, IT융합기술연구부문, 선임연구원

2010-2011 영국 더럼(Durham) 대학교, Centre for Molecular and Nanoscale Electronics, 연구원

2009-2010 서울대학교 전기공학과 박사후 연구원

2007-2009 한양대학교 전자통신공학과 박사후 연구원

2007-2007 BOE-HYDIS Co. LCD 연구소 선임연구원

연구 및 저서


1. 'Influence of Gate Dielectric and Its Surface Treatment on Electrical Characteristics of Solution-Processed ZnO Transistors', Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16, 1848 (2016). [SCI(E)]

2. 'Stability Study of Flexible 6,13-Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene Thin-Film Transistors with a Cross-Linked Poly(4-vinylphenol)/Yttrium Oxide Nanocomposite Gate Insulator', Polymers 8, 88 (2016). [SCI(E)]

3. 'Importance of the inherent and the relative surface energies in generating patterned layer in a solution process', Journal of the Korean Physical Society 68, 786 (2016). [SCI(E)]

4. 'Flexible Nonstick Replica Mold for Transfer Printing of Ag Ink', Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16, 2682 (2016). [SCI(E)]

5. 'Advanced photo-annealing of indium zinc oxide films for thin-film transistors using pulse UV light', Journal of Information Display 17, 1 (2016). [SCOPUS]

6. 'Acoustic and relaxation behaviors of polydimethylsiloxane studied by using brillouin and dielectric spectroscopies', Journal of the Korean Physical Society 68, 896 (2016). [SCI(E)]

7. 'Triplet Exciton Confinement for Enhanced Fluorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using a Co-host System' Journal of the Korean Physical Society 68, 1228 (2016). [SCI(E)]

8. 'Pressure and temperature dependences of the acoustic behaviors of biocompatible silk studied by using Brillouin spectroscopy', Journal of the Korean Physical Society 69, 213 (2016). [SCI(E)]

9. 'ITO-free flexible hybrid white organic/inorganic light-emitting diodes using optimum color conversion quantum dot plates', Polymer Bulletin 73, 2583 (2016). [SCI(E)]

10. 'Morphological Influence of Solution-Processed Zinc Oxide Films on Electrical Characteristics of Thin-Film Transistors', Materials 9, 851 (2016). [SCI(E)]

11. 'Degraded Efficiency of Blue Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diode Through Aging in Ambient Condition', Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 16, 10319 (2016). [SCI(E)]

10. 'Understanding of air influenced poly (3-hexylthiophene) film characteristics in a transistor structure', Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 635, 74 (2016). [SCI(E)]

10. 'Numerical study on off-current features in an organic transistor by controlling electrode-overlap area', Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 635, 67 (2016). [SCI(E)]



. 편광 유기 전기 발광 소자의 제조 방법(Fabricating Process of Polarized Organic Electroluminescent Devices) 등록번호 10-0495700-0000 (2005)

. 유-무기 혼합 절연체를 사용한 유기 박막 트랜지스터(Organic Thin Film Transistor Employed withOrganic-Inorganic Synthetic Insulator) 등록번호 10-0820077-0000 (2008)

. 문턱 전압의 조절이 가능한 유기 박막 트랜지스터 및 그것의 제조방법(Organic Thin Film Transistor with a Controlled threshold Voltage and Preparing the Same) 등록번호 10-0859113-0000 (2008)

. 단채널 효과를 방지하는 유기 박막 트랜지스터, 그것의제조방법 및 이를 포함하는 박막 트랜지스터 어레이 기판(Organic Thin Film Transistor to Prevent Short Channel Effect and Method for Fabricating thereof and Thin Film Transistor Array Substrate) 등록번호 10-0982952-0000 (2010)

. 광 감응성 유기 박막 트랜지스터(Photo-Sensitive Organic Thin-Film Transistors) 등록번호 10-1048676-0000 (2011)

. 유기 박막 트랜지스터 및 그 제조 방법(ORGANIC THIN FILM TRANSISTOR AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF) 등록번호 10-1636453-0000 (2016)



유헬스 ICT 기초 (한림대학교출판부, 2015)



차세대 박막트랜지스터 (Organic/Oxide/Carbon-Based Materials)

유연/인쇄 전자소자 (Flexible/Printed Electronics)

광전자소자 (OLED/Photo-Switch)

센서 응용기술 (Gas Sensor/Photosensor)



최우수 강사 총장 표창 (홍익대학교, 2005)

Outstanding Poster Paper Award (The Korean Information Display Society, 2007)

업적평가 우수교원 총장 표창 (한림대학교, 2015)

최우수 논문상 (대한금속재료학회, 2016)






Society for Information Display (미)

Materials Research Society (미)

IEEE Electron Device Society (미)

IEEE Electron Device Society (미)