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< Journal Publications >
- Lee, K. M., Moon, Y., Park, I., Lee, J. G*. (2023) Voice Orientation of Conversational Interfaces in Vehicles. Behaviour & Information Technology. [SSCI/SCIE Q2, IF=3.320]
- Ryong, K., Lee, D., Lee, J. G.*, (2023) Developing Study Plan with Chatbot in E-learning Situations: Chatbot’s Personalized Motivation Support to Encourage Continuous Learning. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. [SSCI/SCIE Q1, IF=4.920]
- Lee, J., Lee, D., Lee, J. G.,* (2023) Influence of Rapport and Social Presence with an AI Psychotherapy Chatbot on Users’ Self-Disclosure, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. [SSCI/SCIE Q1, IF=4.920]
- Lee, S., Moon, W., Lee, J. G., Sundar, S., (2023) When the Machine Learns from Users, is it Helping or Snooping? Computers in Human Behaviors. [SSCI top 3%, IF=8.957]
- Sah, Y., Lee, J. G., Lee, K. M., (2022). Interacting with an Embodied Interface: Effects of Embodied Agent and Voice Command on Smart TV Interface. Interacting with Computers. [SSCI Q4, IF=1.623]
- Cho, H., Lee, D., Lee, J. G.*, (2022). User Acceptance on Content Optimization Algorithms: Predicting Filter Bubbles in Conversational AI Services. Universal Access in the Information Society. [SSCI/SCIE Q3, IF=2.629]
- Chung, W., Lee, J. G., Seo, J., Kim, J., Jo, Y., Lee, D., (2022). From whom Should ICT Venture Firms Raise Capital? The Effect of Capital Structure on Efficiency of ICT Venture Firms. International Review of Economics & Finance. [SSCI Q2, IF=3.399]
- Lee, J. G., Lee, K. M., (2022) Polite Speech Strategies on Drivers’Trust in Autonomous Vehicles. Computers in Human Behaviors, 127, 107015. [SSCI top 3%, IF=8.957]
- Lee, J., Lee, D., Lee, J. G.*, (2022). Can Robots Help Working Parents with Childcare? Identifying Desirable Childcare Functions for Different Parenting Styles. International Journal of Social Robotics, 14(1), 193-211. [SCIE Q1, IF=5.126]
- Lee, J. G., Lee, J., Lee, D., (2021) Cheerful Encouragement or Careful Listening: The Dynamics of Robot Etiquette at Children’s Different Developmental Stages. Computers in Human Behaviors, 118, 106697. [SSCI top 4%, IF=6.829]
- Kim, E., Euh, Y., Yoo, J., Lee, J. G.*, Jo, Y., & Lee, D., (2021). Which business strategy improves ICT startup companies’ technical efficiency? Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 33(7), 843-856. [SSCI Q3, IF=2.874]
- Lee, J. G., Lee, K. M., & Ryu, S. H., (2019). Vehicle politeness in driving situations. Future Internet 11(2). [SCOUPUS]
- Shin, D., Choi, M., Kim, J. H., & Lee, J. G.,(2016). Interaction, engagement, and perceived interactivity in single-handed interaction. Internet Research. [SSCI Q1, IF=3.017]
- Lee, J. G., Kim, K. J., Lee, S., & Shin, D., (2015). Can autonomous vehicles be safe and trustworthy? Effects of appearance and autonomy of unmanned driving systems. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 31(10), 682-691. [SSCI Q2, IF=1.260]
< Conference Presentations >
- Lee, S., Moon, W., Lee, J. G., Sundar, S., (2022, August) User Responses to AI when the Machine is still Learning. In AEJMC 2022 Conference.
- Lee, S., Lee, J. G., Sundar, S., (2022, May) From Live Streamer to Influencer: Credibility Effects of Authority, Interactivity and Sponsorship. In 72nd ICA Conference.
- Sun, Y., Kim, E., Shoeberger, H., Lee, J. G., (2022, May) Trying To Be More Human: Effects of Perceived Anthropomorphism and Personalization Type of Voice Agents on Advertising. In 72nd ICA Conference.
- Lee, J. G., Ha, T., Lim, S., Lee, S., (2016). Development of User Oriented Mobile CAD Interface. In Human-Computer Interaction Korea 2016.
- Lee, J. G., Lee, K. C., & Shin, D., (2014). A new approach to exploring spatiotemporal space in the context of social network services. In Human-Computer Interaction International 2014.
- Jo, D., Lee, J. G., & Lee, K. C., (2014). Empirical analysis of changes in human creativity in people who work with humanoid robots and their avatars*. In Human-Computer Interaction International 2014