글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
글로벌 일류 대학을 향한 한림의
중장기 비전과 연차별 실천 전략
(Vision & Action 2016~2022 /
Vision & Action 2018~)
글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
수처리공학, 막분리
국문 박진용
생명과학관 8502호
ㆍ1989-1992 서울대학교 (Ph.D - 화학공학과)
ㆍ1987-1989 서울대학교 (공학석사 - 화학공학과)
ㆍ1983-1987 서울대학교 (공학사 - 화학공학과)
■ 교내
■ 교외:
1) "Optimal water backwashing condition in combined water treatment of alumina microfiltration and PP beads", Hyungmin Cho, Gihoon Yoon, Minjae Kim, Jin Yong Park, Membranes, Vol.12(1), 92 (2022.01). MDPI DOI: doi.org/10.3390/membranes12010092 (2021 impact factor: 4.562) Q1 (Polymer Science)
2) "The function of adsorption, photo-oxidation, and humic acid using air backwashing in integrated water treatment of multichannel ceramic MF and PP particles", Sangwoo Park, Dongyeop Kim, Jin Yong Park, Membranes, Vol.10(2), 28 (2020.02). MDPI DOI: 10.3390/membranes10020028 (2020 impact factor: 4.106) Q1 (Polymer Science)
3) "The role of humic acid, PP beads, and pH with water backwashing in a hybrid water treatment of multichannel alumina microfiltration and PP beads", Sungju Hwang, Yooju Lee, Jin Yong Park, Membranes, Vol.10(1), 3 (2020.01). MDPI DOI: 10.3390/membranes10010003 (2020 impact factor: 4.106) Q1 (Polymer Science)
4) "Roles of polypropylene beads and pH in hybrid water treatment of carbon fiber membrane and PP beads with water back-flushing", Sungwon Song, Yungsik Park, Jin Yong Park, Membrane Water Treatment, Vol.10(2), pp.155-163 (2019.03). Techno press DOI: 10.12989/mwt.2019.10.2.155 (2019 impact factor: 3.094)
5) "Effect of pH and polypropylene beads in hybrid water treatment process of alumina ceramic microfiltration and PP beads with air back-flushing and UV irradiation", Jin Yong Park, Seunghwa Song, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol.26(2), pp.1142-1151 (2019.01). Springer DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9635-8 (2019 impact factor: 3.094)
6) "Roles of adsorption and photo-oxidation in hybrid water treatment process of tubular carbon fiber ultrafiltration and PP beads with UV irradiation and water back-flushing", Yua Park, Jin Yong Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.61, pp.20-28 (2017.01). Desalination Publications DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2016.1740 (2016 impact factor: 1.631)
7) "Roles of organic matters, photo-oxidation and adsorption in the hybrid water treatment process of multi-channel ceramic MF and photocatalyst-loaded PES beads", Bolor Amarsanaa, Jin Yong Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.58, pp.376-384 (2017.01). Desalination Publications DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2017.11430 (2016 impact factor: 1.631)
8) "Roles of polypropylene beads and photo-oxidation in hybrid water treatment process of alumina MF and photocatalyst-coated PP beads", Na Young Kim, Jin Yong Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.58, pp.368-375 (2017.01). Desalination Publications DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2017.11429 (2016 impact factor: 1.631)
9) "Hybrid water treatment process of carbon fiber microfiltration and photocatalyst-coated polypropylene beads: roles of humic acid, photo-oxidation, and adsorption", Da Young An, Jin Yong Park, Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol.57, pp.26595-26605 (2016.11). Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2016.1189696 (2015 impact factor:
■ 수상
콘텐츠 담당자 : 글로벌융합대학