글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
글로벌 일류 대학을 향한 한림의
중장기 비전과 연차별 실천 전략
(Vision & Action 2016~2022 /
Vision & Action 2018~)
글로벌 일류 대학, 한림대학교
융·복합 교육을 통해 글로벌 인재를 양성합니다
보건경제학, 응용미시경제학, 정책평가
국문 조창익
국제관 14613
경제학박사: 미국 뉴욕시립대학교(2004년 5월)
보건경제학석사: 서울대학교(1995년 2월)
경제학사: 서울대학교(1993년 2월)
• 2018. 03~2021.12 한림대학교 글로벌융합대학 학장
• 2016. 09~현재 한림대학교 융합인재학부장
• 2014. 02~2015. 08 한림대학교 국제학부 학장
• 2009. 09~2012. 07 한림대학교 국제학부 국제통상경영전공 주임교수
• 2009. 09~현재 한림대학교 국제학부 조교수, 부교수, 교수
• 2006. 05~2014. 04 한림대학교 경영대학 경제학과 조교수, 부교수
• 2004. 08~2006. 05 미국 Anderson University 경영대학 조교수
• 2005. 01~2005. 10 미국 질병관리본부(CDC) 위촉연구위원
• 2000. 02~2004. 06 미국 Baruch College, CUNY 경제학과 전임강사
• 2001. 06~2004. 01 미국 NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) New York Office 연구조교
• 1998. 01~1999. 05 보건복지부 국민의료비계정위원회 연구원
1. Refereed Journal Publications
• “Economic Contribution of Nuclear Energy to the National Economy: Results from the CGE Models,” Journal of Social Science, vol. 46(3), 2020. 【KCI】
• “Change in Health System and Enhancing Public Healthcare: A Study with a Focus on Moderating Effect of Supports for Medically Vulnerable Areas,” Health & Welfare, vol. 22(4), 2020.【KCI】
• “A Study on the Estimation of the Demand Area of the Exhibition and Convention Centers and Their Long-term Shortage or Surplus,” Journal of MICE and Tourism, vol. 20(4), 2020.【KCI】
• “A Study of Healthcare System in North Korea: Dynamics and Future,” Journal of Women and Economics, vol. 17(2), 2020.【KCI】
• “Economic Contribution of Nuclear Energy to the National Economy: An Input-Output Model,” Journal of Social Science, vol. 45(3), 2019.【KCI】
• “Liver Cirrhosis and Cancer: Comparison of Mortality,” Hepatology International, vol. 12(3), 2018.【SCI(E)】
• “A Study on the Legislative Framework and Regulations regarding ICT Convergence in Healthcare Field-with a Focus on the Telemedicine,” Journal of Social Science, vol. 43(2), 2017.【KCI】
• “An Estimation of Marginal Willingness to Pay for the Coverage Expansion of the Lung Cancer Treatments in Korea: Analysis Using Preference Elicitation Method,” Journal of Social Science, vol. 42(2), 2016.【KCI】
• “Conjoint Preference Elicitation Approach to Measure the Willingness to Pay for Liver Cancer Treatment in Korea,” Clinical and Molecular Hepatology, vol. 21(3) 2015.【SCI(E)】
• “An Economic Impact of Tariff Escalation on Imports of Crude Oil in Korea: A Study using Computable General Equilibrium Analysis,” Korean Energy Economic Review, vol. 14(2), 2015.【KCI】
• “An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Business Cycles and Parental Socioeconomic Status on the Children's Weight Change,” Journal of Women and Economics, vol. 12(1), 2015.【KCI】
• “Cost of Illness Studies: Concepts, Scopes, and Methods,” Clinical and Molecular Hepatology, vol. 20(4), 2014.【SCI(E)】
• “A Study on Estimating the Policy Effect of Diaper and Infant Formula Provision for Needy Low-income Families: Income Transfer Effect or Money Illusion?” Journal of Women and Economics, vol. 11(2), 2014.【KCI】
• “An Empirical Investigation on Availability of Emergency Contraception and Sexual Behaviors: Any Causal Effects?” Health and Social Welfare Review, vol. 33(3), 2013. 【KCI】
• “Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Estimate Marginal Willingness to Pay (MWTP) of Insurance Premium for the Cancer Treatment in Korea: A General Population Study,” Health and Social Welfare Review, vol. 33(2), 2013.【KCI】
• “What Determines the Pharmaceutical R&D Investments?” Journal of Social Science, vol. 38(3), 2012.【KCI】
• “A Comparison of Preferences of Targeted Therapy for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma between the Patient Group and Medical Expert Group,” Value in Health, vol. 15, 2012. 【SSCI】
• “The Effect of Doctor's Payment Method on Patient's Medical Care Use: Revisit of the Patient's Asymmetric Information Problem,” KDI Journal of Economic Policy, vol. 33(1), 2011.【KCI, EconLit】
• “An Estimation of the Price Elasticity of Demand for Health Care after Implementation of Office Visit Copayment for Medical Aid Beneficiaries,” Korean Journal of Health Economics and Policy, vol. 16(3), 2010.【KCI】
• “The Effect of Patient's Asymmetric Information Problem on Medical Care Utilization with Consideration of a Patient's Ex-Ante Health Status,” Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, vol. 50(2), 2009.【SSCI】
• “The Effect of Social Capital on Smoking and Drinking Behaviors of the Elderly in Korea,” Korean Journal of Health Economics and Policy, vol. 14(2), 2008.【KCI】
• “The Effect of the Degree of Competition of the Hospital Market Regions on Clinics’ Rate of Antibiotics Prescription,” KDI Journal of Economic Policy, vol. 30(2), 2008. 【KCI, EconLit】
• “Marital Status and Obesity: An Empirical Investigation of Causality Relationship Using Constrained Bivariate Probit Models,” Korean Journal of Health Economics and Policy, vol. 12(2), 2006.【KCI】
• “An Analysis of Economic Impacts of Public Healthcare Policies Using Economic Growth Model,” Korean Journal of Health Economics and Policy, vol. 12(2), 2006.【KCI】
• “An Economic Analysis of Sexual Behaviors of Young Adults: Any Causality with Drinking Alcohol or Using Drug?” Korean Journal of Health Economics and Policy, vol. 12(1), 2006.【KCI】
2. Book Chapters and Book Translations
• “Intermediate Microeconomics,” (Bernheim & Whinston) 2014.
• “Health Economics,” (Charles Phelps) 2013.
• “The Changing Landscape of South Korea’s Healthcare Financing System and Outlook,” in Health Insurance in Asia, A Quick Guide published by Asian Insurance Review, 2009.
• “Demography and Industry for Aged People,” Hallym University Press, 2008.
• “Economics of Aging Society,” Hallym University Press, 2007.
• 2008. 09~현재 강원발전연구원(GRI) 자문위원/평가위원
• 2007. 10~현재 한국개발연구원(KDI) 외부검토위원, 경제모니터위원
• 2014. 08~2019. 07 강원도 물가정책심의위원회 위원
• 2014. 04~2019. 12 한국은행 강원본부 자문교수
• 2011. 01~2018. 12 한국여성경제학회 편집위원, 이사
• 2007. 03~2016. 12 한국보건경제정책학회 편집위원, 이사(총무이사, 간사 역임)
• 2013. 08~2015. 07 건강보험심사평가원 약제급여평가위원 및 재정영향평가위원
• 2012. 07~2013. 07 보건복지부 약제급여 독립적 검토위원회 평가위원
• 2010. 05~2010. 12 국민건강보험공단 건강보험선진화위원회 제도개혁분과위원
• 2009. 03~2009. 10 기획재정부 국가중기재정운영위원회 위원(국방예산)
• 2004. 10~2006. 04 미국 South Carolina 주정부 예산심의위원회 위원 역임
콘텐츠 담당자 : 글로벌융합대학